Tuesday, September 8, 2020

From Online Dating to Meeting in Person

When you get into online dating, the first thing you’ll have to realize that’s different about it from traditional dating is that you’re going to have to decide at some point when and if you want to meet them in person.

This can be a bit nerve wracking, especially if it’s your first time meeting someone you met over the internet. So how long should you wait? Most of that answer depends on how comfortable you feel – your gut instinct about the situation.

There are a few things that you can do to make the entire process a bit easier. Ask yourself if you’re comfortable with the person. This seems like a pretty basic idea, but a lot of people seem to struggle with it.

If you think that the person you’re talking to is entirely real and genuine and have good reason to believe so, then you’re off to a decent start. If you feel for any reason that you might not be getting the full picture of who you’re meeting, don’t meet up with them just yet.

It’s best to wait until you feel like you know them more. There’s only so far that a relationship can develop in a digital atmosphere. You can chat and text for awhile to get the foundation of a connection built.

But then, if you want to take things slowly, you might move on to telephone conversations. That way you can hear each other’s voices and get to know the person behind the profile a bit better.

From there, you may decide to meet. Or, if you still want to take things slow, you can opt for a Skype connection where you’re seeing each other’s faces and hearing your voices, but not yet having to show up in person.

When you do decide to meet, be careful. Don’t let them rush the process or insist on driving you to and from the date. When you’re communicating whether or not you feel comfortable meeting in person, be clear about your possible concerns.

You want your date to be understanding enough to grasp any possible worries you have about the situation. It helps if you let them know that it’s not exactly personal, but rather that you just have your reservations about meeting in person coming from an online relationship.

If you do decide to meet up in person, be sure to choose somewhere fairly out in the open and public, and make sure that there will be other people there. For example, having a first date at a bar or a restaurant is good because there are plenty of people around to help if you need it, but there’s not as many people around if you go to their place for the first date.

couple dating photo

source http://www.forcesalign.com/from-online-dating-to-meeting-in-person/

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