Friday, December 27, 2019

Why Goal Setting Is Important?

Goal setting, as we have heard many times, is the very first step in our efforts to achieve our dreams. Our dreams can never turn into reality if we just dream about it without any goals in mind. We can try to imagine ourselves being in the same position in our lives after wasting 30 years, using various ways to achieve our dreams, just to realize that we never really reached any goals to bring us closer to our dreams.It would have been a desperate failure from the start.

To understand where our next few steps or goals towards reaching success, we should recognize these 6 essential reasons for us to set our goals in the right way.

1. Goals as the Force of Motivation

Goals drive us towards our achievements as it acts as the force of our motivation. To connect to our inner force or desire, goal setting is the first step we take towards our achievements. In both short term and long term, it gives us a target to aim at, a destination we wish to travel to or even a particular number we try to arrive at.

This is the point which gets us excited and passionate as we work very diligently towards our goals. While it is common that our efforts to achieve these goals are full of enthusiasm and energy in the beginning, it is important for us to know how much these goals personally mean to ourselves.

In such way, setting goals which we know we would truly be passionate about in the long term will help us accomplish our missions in a more sustainable manner. After all, if we are not consistently motivated, we would suffer from the burn outs of trying to achieve meaningless goals.

2. Goals as Visual Representations of Our Dreams

Imaginations, visualizations, fantasies or even dreams are not just unrealistic concepts based on our utilizable knowledge if we have set our goals towards them. Because of this, goal setting plays a vital role in ensuring our belief in our methods, our analysis of our results and our efforts in chasing after every resource needed.

Instead of setting one goal as the only way to reach our dreams, we can conceptualize our dreams as a set of puzzles and the goals we set are pieces of puzzles we need to design, fix or even match to complete this set of puzzle. We can also regard each goal as a stepping stone towards our desired destination.As a result of achieving each goal, like finding each puzzle, we are closer to assembling the whole picture of our dreams (the complete set of puzzle).

So yes, don’t be afraid to dream!

3. Goals to Track Progress

Since some goals are the foundations for us to build on to reach another goal, arranging them to be accomplished first will be vital for us to track the progress of our work. As mentioned above that goals are like stepping stones to our main goal, goals also serve to help us track our progress in our work. This can be interpreted as accomplishing each goal will bring us closer to achieving our targets.

Whereas achieving our goals means increasing our chances of succeeding, we also have to track our work in progress by assessing how a work can be done and the amount of time needed. These goals can also be inter-related to one another as we cannot progress with specific work if one objective or goal is not reached.One particular situation to exemplify such concept is the work of organising a birthday party for our family.

The first step is always to send out the invitations and then confirming the number of guests attending. Without these first two steps, it would be challenging to arrange for the venue, the amount of food and drinks, the decoration and other aspects which will complete the party. The invitations and the number of guests attending are the two vital factors to the success of the party.

In conclusion, some work cannot simply progress without completing certain goals first.

4. Goals as Promises to the Self

The goals we have set to achieve are also promises we made to ourselves. In recording our goal setting process, it is also important that we ensure these concrete goals and give ourselves a particular timeline to achieve each goal.
Other than that, these ‘promises’ also keep us responsible for every of our actions which lead us to the failure or success of our plans.

With this sense of responsibility instilled in ourselves, this allows us to re-evaluate our actions and scrutinise the consequences whether in a short period or in the long term. One can definitely take pride in his/her success when recalling of the decisions s/he took 2 years or even 20 years ago.

On the other hand, if one fails or accomplishes less than the set goal, then it is a definite sign to change ways to improve and achieve whatever the set goal is.

5. Goals as the Direction of our Focus

Setting goals also means setting our mind, our heart and our soul to the target. In another metaphorical sense, we simply cannot shoot an arrow without a target. Upon setting our goals, we will know how, where and when to use our talent and abilities.Like a magnifying glass concentrates the sunlight towards the leaf, the leaf is then burnt.

The sunlight is our abilities whereas the magnifying glass is likened to our focus on the target and the leaf, obviously, is the target. Without the magnifying glass (our focus), the target would never be reached despite the amount of heat the sunlight supplies (our potentials).

We can only obtain this sense of direction in our journey to our dreams when we specify the goals right at the beginning. Sometimes we cannot avoid the fact that our focus might change and we have to maintain or to a desperate extent, defend our focus to achieve our goals.

One of the many ways of maintaining focus is changing our lifestyles to reduce distractions such as declining invitations to meaningless parties or occasionally saying no to outing with friends. This reduces the resources spent on distractions and in turn, increases productivity for us to work on our objectives.

6. Goals to Develop Our Potentials

Our potential is nurtured through our progress in achieving the goals we set from the beginning. This means setting the goals which are direct opportunities for us to expand our knowledge, sharpen our skills and enrich our experience will benefit us in the future.

Without such goals, we might not be able to develop ourselves out of our comfort zone as we are subjected to the comfortable and safe routines of our daily lives. Because of not setting goals or not having the suitable goals, some of our potentials never grow or are just locked within ourselves.

On the contrary, the goals which we have set will enable us to challenge ourselves to adapt to new environments and new situations. Besides, setting certain expectations on ourselves would only convince us to do our best and expand our limits. Weight loss or gain targets, running time limit, business profits or even following a planned diet are all personal goals for us to challenge ourselves.

Obviously, we reap what we sow and sometimes what we sow might be more than just the reward itself.Once we can appreciate the improvements we gained through accomplishments, we will also achieve the sense of self-fulfillment. With this feeling of satisfying ourselves, we can work on other goals with better motivation and energy. We might not even feel that the obstacles in the later stages are as challenging as before too.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Balance Life and Work

In our quest to accomplish our every goal to the point of reaching our lifetime goal, we would often fail to control our passion and let it become an overwhelming obsession which takes over our lifestyle and even health. At this point, whatever we pursue will not become as important as our life.

In other words, we have to balance our life of achieving goals and the other important aspects in our life such as our health, family, friends and leisure. In spite of everything, all day work and no play make Jack a dull boy or maybe even a sick boy.

Setting goals in these aspects in our life is as equally important as the other goals we have set out to achieve. By spending less time or effort in these aspects, our progress in work might also be affected. It will be an inevitable challenge to balance all of them as we will be too busy for everything but every positive progress in any part of our lives will surely strengthen us to create further improvements in other aspects.

When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth become useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.


A cliché, repeated in multiple versions of quotes, serves to remind us that without our well-being, one simply cannot be productive in work, enjoy our love with our family and friends. Our health is the most vital aspect we cannot neglect whatever age we are at.

Practicing a healthy lifestyle will improve the quality of our lives and those around us. It will not just increase productivity but also prolong our life. However busy we are, we tend to maintain a nourishing and healthy diet (special occasions are exceptions!), exercise sufficiently and get enough sleep. It would be waste of our efforts to achieve our lifetime goals if we are not healthy enough to enjoy the sweetness of our victories longer.

Family and Friends

Humans are social creatures who cannot live without a single relationship with others. As such, every human is socially dependent on one another to survive right from our birth. It all started with our relationship with our mothers who give birth to us, and then expands to our other family members, and then friends and lovers and so on.

But how important is our social life?

Being socially healthy is as equally important as being mentally and physically healthy. Spending quality time with our family and friends is one of the social needs of an average person of whatever age. After a long day of business or work, don’t just go back to the TV, your phone or whatever electronic gadget. Try to connect with people and pay attention to their lives.

Talk to your family more often. Arrange a date with your loved one. Take the children for a trip. Discuss a topic with your fellow enthusiasts. Have a drink with old friends. Make new friends at the park. Do voluntary work or charity at the old folks’. Send Christmas gifts to the orphans. The idea of a healthy social life benefits ourselves as it keeps us from depression and social isolation which could impact our health at a serious level.

Other than our social needs, being involved in positive relationships caters to our emotional needs. When we surround ourselves with people who do not only understand our needs to love and to be loved, we also gain social support to help us recover from our losses in our lives.Relationships and social networks always work on a give-and-take basis.

Hence, such support is a privilege we receive from giving as much attention and effort to maintain positive relationships with the people around us. As a conclusion, we definitely should surround ourselves with people who understand, encourage and support us in our lives while we also work to share them our strength and inspirations.

Spending Time Alone

Overworked and feeling that you have given all your time to everyone else except yourself are symptoms that you should allocate some personal time to relieve the stress and to reflect on the main aspects of your life. One’s social life is never complete without time for only the self. While most successful people are so passionate that their personal time has become their work time, many spend their leisure with different hobbies.

The amount of time spent by each of us varies but the intentions are similar most of the time, to de- stress and to recover from the strains of their passion in order to perform their best when they return to pursue their goals. By spending some time alone, we will not feel demotivated when we continue to pursue our goals. In fact, this type of self time allows us to be happy and invigorated for further challenges.

This is also an opportunity for us to reward ourselves when we have achieved a goal. Travel the world, take up a new hobby, expand our knowledge in a certain field, or even just playing video games are several ways to revitalize ourselves.


Money is the root of all evil. That only applies when it is in the wrong hands. On an interesting note, many of us finish our primary and secondary education without ever being aware of the crucial aspect of personal finance in our lives. Only in college or university that we start to realise that the financial control over our lives is key to survival in the society.

However, being aware of the good practices to control your finances and actually practising them are the factors that decide whether money is really the root of all evil. After all, it does reflect on our credit scores.

Here are the 10 good habits to maintain healthy personal finance:

1. Tracking Income and Expenses

Undoubtedly, this is the fundamental step of any financial planning and controlling. As the average person, tracking income is not as complicated as tracking expenses especially if the sources of income are not many. Tracking expenses requires some discipline and consistency in our daily habits such as recording the amount of cash we spent, keeping the credit cards bill we paid, keeping receipts of our expenses, loan information, tax records and online purchases.

It gives us a better idea of our personal finance and how it can help us to achieve our goals while reminding us to stay financially healthy by not spending more than our income.

2. Priority Allocations

While it is most basic to suggest that we should plan our budgets, there are definitely certain priorities which we should prioritize our finances for. When we receive our pay cheques at the end of the month, the first step will always be to allocate these funds to the priorities we set in line with our goals.

Such priority funds may be our savings, loans, our children’s education, retirement funds and investments. By setting this as the first step of our budget, we can work out how much we have left to spend or to prepare for other necessities.

3. Emergency Funds

Other than insurances which can cover certain amount of our losses in accidents, we are advised to keep up to 10% of our monthly income for emergency uses. For instance, having an accident which can keep us away from work means we can utilize these funds which we have already saved up before for our daily expenses. As surprise scenarios can be quite unpredictable, it is best we prepare the umbrella before the rain.

4. Staying Away from High-Interest Credit or Totally Away from Debts

At some point in our lives, it would be almost impossible to stay free of loans. Because of this, we have to consider the loans with the lowest interest rates we can apply for to reduce our repayment. After all, any interest rate imposed upon the principal is the main income of the debtor. Paying way more than what we have borrowed will only increase unnecessary expenses.

Besides, some creditors allow advanced repayments for us to finish the repayment before the planned payment period. In this case, we might even save up on the interest of the remaining payment period. Staying debt-free means gaining more income and also a better credit score which serves to be an indicator of our healthy financial status to creditors. Healthy credit scores allow us to obtain loan more easily in the future as well.

5. Creating a Shopping List & Impulsive Shopping

Buying on impulse means unnecessary spending which will reduce the flexibilities of controlling your expenses as it also means reducing the spending on necessary items. We should not purchase any luxury items when we do not have extra cash and even if we want to, it would usually be the money left in our monthly budget after all our financial priorities are settled.

To control impulsive shopping, it is best we write down a list of items we need to buy so those which are not in the list are considered as unnecessary. Similar to long term and short term goals, we can always save up for luxury items which we can only afford later.

6. Purchasing Value

We would always tend to ensure our purchases give us the value for our money and no after-sales problems at all. In particular circumstances, sometimes it is better to pay a bit more for products that will effectively last longer than buying the cheap ones which we have to constantly replace or repair.

In contrast, not all products are better simply because they are more expensive. The prices of such products are down to a multitude of factors such as competition, consumer perception, quality of materials, cost of methods and etc. We should seek reviews from experts and other consumers before comparing these products to one another and deciding which gives us the best value according to our needs.

7. Investment

Only allocating monthly income for certain investments does not guarantee profit and therefore, every wise investor has plans for timely exits from their investments to avoid losses. In other words, we must possess sufficient knowledge and the right information to invest in any of the various financial instruments. Otherwise, we would suffer losses without being able to understand the reasons.

On the other hand, we must monitor our investment funds to avoid losses as well as to seize fine opportunities to gain more profit from our investments. An even more secure way of preventing losses in our investments would be to have an exit strategy especially when we can foresee the circumstances.

8. Retirement Funds

Even if governments enforce laws for the employees and the working citizens to allocate retirement funds, sometimes, it would not be enough to live comfortably particularly if you wish to retire at an earlier age. Besides, what good does it do for us if we have prepared the funds for our children to graduate from university or college if we end up in poor financial status when we retire?

Having a retirement plan is a long term goal which determines how we would like to live our lives when we retire. On the contrary, struggling to have such financial ability at retirement age means we have to delay retirement work for a few more years.

9. Consistent Raise
Once our income is raised, we should not forget our savings and investments for our future should also be proportionately raised. For instance, the rate of our savings per month is 20% of our monthly
income of $5000. That translated to $1000. In the next year onwards, our income is raised to $6000 and so the savings, based on 20% of $6000, should be $1200.

In the case where our expenses are not increased in comparison with our income, extra income means more flexibility of utilising our money. Another way of raising our savings is to increase it from 20% of our income to 25% of our income even when we do not get a pay rise.

10. Analyzing Financial Condition and Improvising the Budget

With all the necessary steps taken to manage our financial status, we often overlooked the review of our financial performance on a particular time basis. The reviews of our financial status usually are
carried out at the end of the year or the month. Such timing is usually to see if our plans were executed well enough to help us achieve our financial goals.


Saturday, November 9, 2019

Change Your Mindset and Achieve Anything

If you’ve read any self-help book, book on success or similar, then chances are that you will have come across this notion that you can get whatever you want from life simply by changing your mindset and changing the way you think. Can it really be so simple? How can your state of mind really affect your physical reality?

Actually, there are plenty of ways. Let me explain…

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is the name of a theory that explains why some people get everything they want and other people just don’t.Essentially, this law states that ‘like attracts like’ and that ‘as you act, so you will become’. In other words, if you act like someone who is rich, then you will attract other rich people and valuable items. Eventually, you will become rich.

And if you act like the most capable and amazing person in your workplace, then other people will start to take you more seriously, give you more work and help you to become that most capable and amazing person.This is the law of attraction and although it might sound like magic, there is actually a very good explanation for how it all works.

You see, when you start acting more confident in your workplace by standing a little taller, by puffing your chest out and by talking more firmly to people, you will find that other people pick up on that and they start to see you as a more confident person.

When someone sees you as being more confident in the workplace, they will instantly begin to see you as being more capable. And when they see you as being more capable, they will of course be more interested in working with you and offering you important tasks to be responsible for.

The same goes for wearing a nice suit. If you look like someone who takes care of themselves, like a professional, like someone who a company would be happy to speak to clients on their behalf… then you will be given more work as a result. How about acting wealthy? Well, one example of how this works is that people will notice your new more ‘premium’ taste and they will respond by giving you more valuable and expensive gifts – it really is that simple!

Acting wealthier and believing yourself to be can also again help others to want to work with you and invest in you and it can give you the confidence you need to take smart financial risks. The first step to becoming, is believing. It sounds corny but it is completely true.

Understanding Perception

Another thing to consider is how our perception of reality completely changes our subjective experience of this – and therefore the outcome. What do I mean by this? Simply that what you experience is actually less important for your state of mind than what you believe.

For example then, if you were to come face to face with a lion in the woods, there would be a good chance that you’d see your heartrate jump up sharply, your breathing become faster and shallower and your blood start rushing to your muscles, your eyes and your brain. This is what we know as the ‘fight or flight response’.

But what if you see the lion but don’t believe in the lion? What if you think the lion is animatronic? Then none of those changes will occur and you’ll remain entirely calm. The thing to remember is that many of the things we encounter in our daily lives are just like those lions.

When you encounter a challenge in the work place, a difficult friend or partner, or financial troubles. You can choose to see it as a lion, or you can choose to see it as no big deal.These strategies allow us to actively change the way we think about challenges, about ourselves and about our situations – and thereby to achieve incredible things and even completely remove fear!

Positivity and Belief

Finally though, what’s also highly important is that we have positivity and belief in what we’re doing. Positivity is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal and can help you to take chances, challenge the system and generally make waves.

If you are a pessimist with low self-esteem, is it like that you’ll set up your own business? No. If you’re someone who is afraid to take chances, then how likely is it that you’ll end up quitting your job and going travelling? Not very!
Too many of us are simply beaten down by our circumstances and our upbringing and we believe that the best way to get by is to stay quiet and try not to rock the boat.

The reality though is that you need to take chances and risks in order to truly live. Would you rather fail at doing something amazing, or succeed at doing nothing at all? And in order to take that leap, we need to change your mindset.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Overcome Failure and Achieve Success?

You may have read all the self-help books and the autobiographies of men like Abraham Lincoln who failed all their lives and finally succeeded. It all seems so positive and feel good until you fail. One of Mike Tyson’s most famous quotes is, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." There’s just no denying that failure is a bitter pill to swallow.It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, you’ll still feel that twinge of disappointment or some anger when your best laid plans collapse.

Usually, the most successful people are also the ones who are best at coping with failure. The reason for this is that they fail more than most people but they just never give up. That also means that they do more than most other people who quit the moment failure knocks on their door.There are many ways to cope with failure but you must understand that it is going to hurt when you fail.

Sometimes it may feel like the only thing you ever learn from a failure is that you failed. While this is not true, it will seem that way. We are all human and no one likes to see their efforts go to waste. It could be a business venture that collapses. Or maybe your relationship with your spouse crumbles and is beyond repair. Maybe your health takes a turn for the worse despite living a healthy lifestyle. All these are events.

Understanding this point makes all the difference between handling failure successfully or letting it break you. Failure is an event, not a person. Like they say, never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart. It will hurt and there will be disappointment but you must embrace the experience and push forward.Success is not final and failure is not fatal. As long as you’re breathing you still can turn your failures into successes.

It’s time to discover the 7 secrets that successful people use to cope with failure.

Different individuals may do it differently but the general rule of thumb is this – Failure is always temporary. Failure is not the opposite of success. It is part of success. Now let’s look at how you can cope with it when it comes your way… and you can rest assured that it will. So be prepared.

1. Don't take it personally
This is the biggest mistake that most people make. They blame themselves when things go wrong. Or they blame other people. When you do not separate failure from how you identify yourself, then your self-esteem will drop and you’ll be much more tempted to quit.

People usually quit on their dreams because they don’t believe that they’re capable of achieving what their hearts desire. They feel that it’s too hard and the reason they feel that way is because they may have failed. For example, when someone is trying to lose weight and watching their diet closely, there will be times when they give in to temptation and eat something they shouldn’t. When this happens, they feel guilt and regret that they failed at maintaining their diet.

What do they do then? They toss their diet aside and gorge themselves on food that they’re not supposed to. They believe that they lack the self-discipline to stay focused and lose weight… Just because of one temporary lapse in judgment. This is ridiculous and it’s like accidentally dropping your mobile phone once only to pick it up and keep smashing it on the ground over and over because of one accident. It doesn’t make sense… and yet people act in a similar way.

When you fail at something, whether it’s with your blog or your email marketing or if your latest product launch is a flop, do not assume that you’re useless and just throw in the towel. What defines you is how well you rise after falling.So the most important point to note is that you should not let failure define you as a person. Always know that you can do better.

2. Learn From Your Mistakes

All the most successful people have learned from their mistakes and try not to repeat them. Failure can also be treated as feedback. If some aspect of your online business fails, ask yourself why this happened. For example, if your product launch was a flop, there must be a reason why. Was your niche unprofitable? Did the sales page convert poorly? Did you not actively recruit affiliates?

Analysis is very important so that you do not repeat the same errors. This is the only way to make progress and succeed.Michael Eisner, the Chairman and CEO of the Disney Corporation said, “Failure is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit.”

The only way to prevent failure from becoming a habit is to take stock of your situation, learn from your mistakes and adapt. Try to maintain a certain degree of detachment so that you can evaluate your failure without feeling bitter. Sometimes it might be a good idea to take a break for a short while and come back to it when you’re feeling better. Either way, ALWAYS analyze your failures.

3. Stop Dwelling On Your Failures

You may have noticed that all some people can talk about is how life has treated them so badly. No matter what they do, they fail at it due to bad luck or unforeseen circumstances. We’ve all seen people like these… and while you may not know why these things happen to them, you know that things like these always seem to happen to people like them.Harsh but very true. Do not dwell on your failures.

Analyze them and move on. You have better things in store for you. Missed out on an opportunity? No worries. Better ones are coming your way. Product launch flopped? That’s ok the next one will sell thousands. Picked the wrong niche to monetize? No big deal. You now know how to find niches with people waiting to buy stuff. Problem solved.

It is inevitable to lose time, effort and money when something fails. If you keep focusing on what is lost, you’ll never be able to focus on what you can gain and there is so much more out there for you.
Focus on the positive and bury your failures.

4. Model Other Marketers

There’s a saying that you should always learn from the mistakes of others because you’ll never live long enough to make them all yourself. When trying to build an online business, instead of believing all the hype that you see in all the info-products that flood the market, you’d be better off watching what the successful marketers are doing. Do what they do and not what they say.

Most beginners to online marketing encounter failure repeatedly because they follow untested theory and blindly believe what they read or hear. You have to be smarter than that. If whatever you’re doing seems to be failing, then you need to look at what other marketers who are succeeding are doing  then model them.

That alone will reduce your learning curve and put you on the path to online success. Stop being like a housefly that repeatedly bangs its head on the window hoping to get out when the door is wide open for it to go through.

5. Assess Your Finances

One of the biggest concerns marketers have when they fail is that they’ve lost money. Creating a product costs money. Testing out ads costs money. Outsourcing costs money. There is no getting away from this. In fact, to run any business you need money. It’s like oxygen for your business and without it, your business will shrivel up and die. So, it’s crucial that you have a source of income coming in to tide you over if any online endeavour fails.

Some marketers quit their day jobs to make their online business work. When the business fails and the bills start piling up, they start getting desperate. At times like these, you just may need to get another job to get back on your feet. Do not feel like you have failed and are doomed to a life of ‘working for the man.’ This is just a temporary setback and like Joel Osteen, always says, “A setback is a set up for a comeback.”

Go ahead and take that job. It will feel like retrogression but you must understand that even a tiger crouches before it leaps. Once you have money coming in, the pressure that your finances are causing you will ease. You’ll be able to save up some money to keep funding your online business. That’s really how it is. Sometimes you just don’t have a choice.

Do not throw your efforts down the drain and quit online marketing totally just because you failed a couple of times. As long as you keep learning and doing, success is inevitable.

6. Release the Need for Approval from Others

This is a very common fear and makes failure seem worse than it really is. People often worry what others will think or say about them when they fail. It’s definitely true that you’ll have friends and family members who will tell you, “I told you so!” when you fail. Some of them may even take pleasure in it. This is human nature. It could even be your spouse or parents who don’t support your dreams.

When you fail and see their disapproving looks or hear their sarcastic words, it can seem worse.The truth of the matter is that you only have one life to live and you need to live it for yourself. It doesn’t matter what others say or think about you. Just because others think you’re dumb for failing doesn’t mean that you’re really foolish.

How people see you should have zero impact on how you see yourself. Have faith in yourself and don’t pay heed to the naysayers.

7. Take a Break

Time heals all wounds. Sometimes when failure really gets to you, it may be time to take a break and put some space between you and your business. This will help to clear your mind so that you can think objectively. While taking a break, you can self-reflect and think about your future plans. You may decide to have backup plans to correct any future failures or problems that may crop up.

Take the time to exercise. Research has shown that hard training like boxing, Crossfit, sprinting, etc. help people to release pent up frustration and anger. This can be therapeutic when coping with failure. Instead of hitting the bottle, you can hit a punching bag or lift heavy weights explosively during CrossFit sessions. Do what suits you best.

What is most important is that you not let failure make you quit. That is the most common consequence of failure. People fail a few times and they quit. If you read the story of Colonel Sanders, you’d realize that he was turned down 1,009 times before he finally found someone who would use his recipe. Walt Disney was turned down over 300 times before he received financing for Disney World.


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Creating Business Models That Succeed

In this article, I have occasionally challenged the notion that working hard is always a good thing. Sometimes, working hard means wasting your life on chores or wasting your life working for a company that doesn’t value you.
Much better than working hard then, is to work smart. That means that you stop focusing on working for the sake of working and start working in order to get results.

This is where it becomes important once again to assess your past mistakes and look at what has worked and what hasn’t. This will allow you to invest your time only where it counts and only where it matters.

Freeing Up Mental Space

And sometimes, this means finding ways to remove the unwanted distractions and clutter from your life. Work that does not take you closer to your goal is not work that is worth your time. Work that takes you away from the things you are passionate about is not worth your time. And so if you’re currently spending half your evening washing up and cleaning the house  it’s time to stop!

You worked incredibly hard in order to earn money for your family – you traded your time for resources – and now the little time you have left you’re going to spend washing up?? This is another cognitive shift you need to make in order to be truly successful – you need to start valuing your time more and be willing to spend your money to protect it.

You need to recognize that Time > Money. So instead of spending your time cleaning the house, why not hire a cleaner to do it? You’ve worked hard enough to deserve one and this way you can work on more fulfilling side projects (and earn back the money you’re spending several times over), you can spend time with your family and friends, or you can spend more time enjoying the hobbies that you are truly passionate about.

Likewise, you can give yourself more time by investing in a dishwasher, a robotic vacuum cleaner or maybe even a service that will deliver you readymade meals to your door for lunch and dinner! Invest in You Don’t think that this means you shouldn’t be spending time on your appearance though – you absolutely should. This takes us right back to our ‘law of attraction’ principle from the start of this book.

To get the best jobs and to have the most success with the opposite sex, you need to look the part.And to look the part, you need to spend time or money. You don’t have the time to spend hours ironing and run a second business from home – so spend the money on your looks. And believe that this money is going to come back to you. Believe in the law of attraction. That’s how those incredibly polished people who just seem to excel in everything they do got that way.

Creating Business Models That Succeed

This ‘results focused attitude’ is also how you’re going to design your business models and choose your projects. Think about the resources you already have available to you, the contacts you already know and the skills that you already possess. If you are the editor of a magazine on a certain topic for example, then you have a huge captive audience.

What business could you launch that you could aim at that audience? And as I’ve said already before: don’t think about success in terms of what others perceive as success.A lot of people will try and start businesses that they think will ‘change the world’ or ‘offer something completely unique’. But you know what? This type of business makes it much harder to find investors and much harder to market.

If you want to make money quickly, if that is your goal, then you’re often much better off just using a tried and tested business model that countless people have used before. Don’t invest huge amounts of money into a business before you have‘verified it’.Use the ‘fail fast principle’ by creating an MVP and seeing if it is successful before spending lots of time on it.

This will also let you stay lean and jump between multiple business models. If you’re willing to look for the shortcuts and if you understand the most important variables in each equation, then you can often sidestep the work and jump straight to the good part – earning lots of cash! Success really doesn’t have to be as hard as everyone makes it out to be. You just need to the right attitude and some gumption.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Have a Winning Mindset

The winning mindset is a fundamental factor in achieving success in life or in business. This mindset is not created by chance or a flip of the coin. It serves as the foundation of success, conscious growth, wealth, and prosperity. If you want to create a positive mindset, you have to know how it works to help you become the winner.

The following are some essential information that you need to know about getting the winning mindset:

What is a Mindset?

Your mindset is who you are. It is composed of your beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and thoughts. Mindset is a simple idea that creates all the differences. It creates productivity and motivation in sports, education, and business. It is what successful athletes, business people, and educators have.

How to Achieve the Winning Mindset?

1. Believe in Yourself

You have to believe that you can do anything. You have to trust in your skills, knowledge, and capability when dealing with the challenges that you will face as you tread the path towards success.

2. Make a Plan and Create a Strategy

Part of having a winning mindset is to create a plan that will serve as your guide in reaching your goals. On the other hand, having the right strategy can make such goals easier to achieve. Most of the time, it requires an appropriate set of behaviors and a vision for the future. Without a holistic and flexible strategy, your are more likely to fall short in achieving what you want to achieve in your life.

3. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses

People who have the mindset of a winner are those who know how to use their skills and strengths to give them the will to win and enforce a positive attitude. They are also not afraid to fail and never give up.

4. Practice Self-Awareness

Top performing people are aware of the things that they have, the ones that can motivate and help them achieve their goals. Being aware of the things that they are good at can provide them with a competitive edge over their competitors. They also know how to manage such things in order to prevent them from becoming their weaknesses.

5. Be Brave Enough to Face Your Challenges

If you really wanted to win, you need to be brave enough to face your fears and challenges. You have to be ready to fight and take “No” for an answer. If you want help, never be afraid to ask for it especially when such help can greatly increase your chances of accomplishing your goals.

Take Care Of Your Body

One of the keys to having a happier living and a healthy lifestyle is to know how to take care of your body. Whatever task you want to accomplish or any goal that you want to achieve can be done easily if you are physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

Your body and your mind are connected with each other. If you are living an unhealthy lifestyle, you are more likely to make unhealthy choices. Likewise, being active can help in improving your moods and lessen your chances of suffering from depression.

The following are some tips on how to can take care of your body for a much happier and healthier life:Eat


Choosing fresh fruits and vegetables as well as lean meat and poultry are much better than eating junk foods, carbonated drinks, and fast foods. By eating healthy, you will receive the nutrients, vitamins, and energy that you need to combat the stress brought by a day’s work. As part of your effort to eat healthy, you should not forget to drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated and to remove toxins from your body.

Take Time to Relax

No matter how busy your schedule is, it is important that you take a break from the things that make you feel stressed and find time to clear your mind and relax. Whenever you’re at work, taking a break even for just a few minutes can make a big difference in the way you handle your job.


Exercising is an activity that will allow you to rejuvenate yourself. Exercising does not mean that you have to spend hours in the gym. There are certain activities that can help you become fit while still having fun. It is advisable that you engage in any type of exercise or physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day.

Get Enough Rest and Sleep

Resting and sleeping allows you to regain the energy that you have lost during the whole day’s work. Having enough sleep and rest also have an impact on your ability to function well, on your mood, and on your metabolism.
Practicing good hygiene is another way to take care of your body.

This will prevent you from experiencing different kinds of diseases. Good hygiene means that you are health inside and out. You need to take a bath regularly, clean your teeth, trim your nails, put on clean clothes, and more.


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Positive Affirmations For Success

All individuals can use affirmations to live their best life. Positive affirmations are positive and powerful statements and thoughts that they can use for improving their personal wealth, spirituality, relationship, health, and career. The capability of people to remain positive and keep positive thoughts can determine the status of their emotional life.

The following can help you understand how you can use affirmations to stay on course when it comes to successfully achieving your be positive resolutions:

Affirmations Defined

Affirmations are statements that aim to re-program the subconscious mind of individuals with positive thoughts so that they can eliminate any negativity that prevents them from going after dreams. Positive affirmations can make you feel stronger and help you make the most positive and wisest choices.

It would be easier for you to achieve whatever you want if you use positive visualization and affirmations in everything that you do. This is considered as one of the most powerful and effective strategies that you can take advantage of if you want to change your life for the better.

You can create your own positive affirmations with the use of simple language to express or showcase the message that you want to convey. It is advisable that you make your affirmations in a clear and concise manner and written in the present tense. You also have to make sure that they are written in a first person narrative. Whatever you dream of, you will be closer to attaining such dream if you have a positive focused mindset.

The Benefits Of Your Being Positive Resolution

Being positive resolution provides numerous benefits to your overall well-being. This is an important factor that directly affects the perception of people when it comes to creating a life that they want. Being positive may sound simple, but it is actually not easy. However, once you become one, you can see several improvements in your life.

The following are some of the benefits that you can get from being positive:


One of the benefits of having a positive mind is that it creates harmonious relationships. This is because having a positive attitude allows you to see the positive sides of various people instead of flaws and mistakes. Another benefit is that positive people can maintain a broader perspective and effectively identify solutions to various problems that they have.

Being positive also promotes better health, reduced stress, and improved focus. Positive people tend to handle things better than negative people. They are able to concentrate better in finding solutions instead of being distracted by negative elements. Moreover, they way people think also have a direct impact on their health. That is why if you conquer negative thoughts, you will have a lower chances of suffering from different kinds of diseases.

Aside from this, you can also face any stressful situation with an improved focus. This helps you worry less and cope better. Positive thinkers are also more resilient. This means that they have the ability to overcome adversity or cope with problems. Instead of losing hope and giving up, they do the best they can to find an effective way to fix their problems.

Best of it all, being positive gives you the power to change not just your environment but your life as a whole. This can result to a more successful and happier life. The benefits that being positive provides can never be underestimated. Altering you current behavior and attitude into a positive one will greatly help you in bringing productive changes in all aspects of your life!


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Live In The Here And Now

What do you mean by living in the here and now? It means that you are not thinking about your past and not worrying about the future. If you are living in the present, you are living in the life of reality. Your past and future are only illusions.

To live in the present means that you are ready to face the world. Since you are not depending on your past, you will always be contented with your present life.

If you are still sealed with your past, here are the best things you can do to live in the present:

Being Present

  • Be Conscious to Your Surroundings and Stop Beating Yourself Up- If you are aware of your surroundings, you don’t have to think for your past life. It means that your attention will be in your present situation. You also need to smile and congratulate yourself for everything you have done.
  • Remove Unwanted Possessions – If you don’t want to live in the past, you have to remove all the things to forget them. Then, start living in the present through focusing on the things you need to do.
  • Forgive Past Hurts – If you are still attached with your past situations, it is hard for you to face the reality and your present situation. So, make sure that you choose to forgive and move on. Though the harm is there, you have to make actions to ensure that it will never affect your present moods and activities.
  • Dream for Your Future while Working Hard Today - There is nothing wrong if you are dream big. What matters most is what you are doing at present to fulfill your dreams. So, start setting goals and plan for your future.
  • Stop Worrying – Unlike others, you will never appreciate the beauty of life if you keep on worrying too much. Take note that tomorrow is another day. Whether you worry about it or not, things will happen.

Living in the present is not as easy as you think. This is often observed if cannot easily forget the things that happened in the past. The past teaches everything you need to know. With your past, you learned from your mistakes and make your life even more effective than before. Your future, on the other hand, is the result of your present actions.

Planning for the future means taking on board the things that you want to happen. Why do you need to live in the present? Living in the present means that you are aware of your present situation, but with commitment to the future and an appreciation of your past. Through this, it is easy for you to manage your life. You can plan a strategy to create a positive way to get what you really want.

If you are facing a hardship in life, it is easy for you to solve it. In case you have a huge company, you can also decide which skills need to be implemented and how to handle your business. Living in the present also allows you to appreciate the things and people around you. If you are focusing on your past or future alone, expect that you will never enjoy your life. You will also neglect the things that you need to do.


Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ten Tips On Reducing Stress

In this article, I'm going to cover a handful of tips and methods that you can implement into your every day life which will help you better deal with stress and even prevent stress from invading into your happiness.

1. Breathe Deeply. Practice Breathing Techniques Regularly.

A lot of people seem to overlook how easy and useful this tactic can be for relieving stress, especially in the heat of the moment. I know, the advice “take a deep breath” may seem cliché. But it really does hold true when it comes to stress. Take a minute or two break from life to focus on your breathing. Sit up straight and close your eyes if possible, and put your hand on your belly.

Slowly inhale through your nose, feeling the breath of air start in your abdomen and progress it's way to the top of your head. Next, reverse the process as you exhale through your mouth. It's been said that deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering the body's blood pressure. Buddhist monks have been known to be very conscious of deliberate breathing during meditation because of this.

Another method you can use it to sit up in your chair with your feet flat on the floor and your hands on top of your knees. Breathe in and out slowly, with deep full breaths while also concentrating on your lungs as they expand and contract in your chest. Many doctors and researchers have actually found that shallow breathing is consistent with increased stress and deep breathing fills your blood with oxygen and in turn helps to center your body and clear your mind.

2. Meditate For A Period Of Time In The Morning And Evening

It should come as no surprise to you that meditation is an excellent way to help relieve your stress. When performed correctly, it should release your mind and allow you to focus on peace. Many people struggle with meditation at first, because it can be a little tricky. And in all honesty, it does take a little bit of time to learn.

There's many great articles and even courses on how to meditate, but you can easily get started by simply sitting in the corner or somewhere peace, closing your eyes and listening to music or soaking in the sounds around you. Some meditation guru's will even encourage you to listen to those natural sounds during the process, and to even burn some sort of incense to help break the stress that's present in your body.

3. Listen To Music That Promotes Your Chilled Out Mood

Listening to the right music is super important when you're trying to reduce stress in your life and find your inner balance. Some music can in fact heighten your stress levels when you listen to it. One type of music that researchers have proven to help stress levels is “baroque” music. This music is based around a tempo of 60 beats per minute, which coincidentally is about the rate that our heart should be.

Baroque music has actually been shown to increase the alpha waves in both the left and right sides of your brain which assist in improving your learning ability, calmness and even your creativity. Because of this, many corporate trainers have now incorporated this style of music during memory training sessions to better assist their students in improving both their comprehension and their memory.

Of course, you should focus on the kind of music that you like and which brings comfort to you. So this point will different depending on who you are and what your tastes are.

4. Exercise, Even If It's Just For A Minute Or Two Each Day

Listen, exercising doesn't have to be power lifting at the gym or training for some sort of marathon event. A simple short stroll around the office or block, or even just standing up to stretch during a break at work can often times be just the immediate stress relief you need in some situations. Getting your blood flowing releases endorphin's and can actually improve your mood almost instantaneously. If you find that you have more time to exercise, that's even better.

They say that exercising for 30 minutes per day is one of the best things you can do for both your mind and your body. Not only does it help you keep fit, but it also gets the blood pumping around in your body. While you're doing exercises, there's chemicals being released from your brain that can elevate your mood.

5. Make It A Point To Eat Right With A Healthy Diet

Studies have linked that stress levels are directly impacted by a proper diet. The problem is that when we're overwhelmed and stressed out, we often ignore healthy eating habits. This results in eating sugary, fatty snack foods as a quick pick-me-up to satisfy our hunger and even our mood. Try to avoid sugary snacks and plan ahead if possible.

Fruits and vegetables are obviously a great choice, and fish with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids have also been shown to help reduce the symptoms and levels of stress. This means that a tuna sandwich is truly beneficial to both your mood and your brain as well.

6. Try To Drink At Least Eight Glass of Water Per Day

I'm sure you know this already, but without water, humans and most living things can't survive. After all, it's been said to be one of the most precious resources that we possess on the planet. With that said, to maintain your health, most doctors and medical professionals will recommend a MINIMUM of eight glasses of water per day. This means PLAIN WATER.

As in flavored water or coffee certainly does not count towards that goal. You'll truly be amazed at how much better you feel and less stress you become as you hydrate more every day.

7. Limit Both Alcohol AND Coffee Consumption

Alcohol and coffee are both considered great sources of stress, seeing as they both increase the heart rate and make us more prone to stress situations. If you can, try to limit the amount of coffee and alcohol that you consume each day, and you will almost certainly notice that your level of stress will decrease. Some researchers say that consuming one to two glasses of alcohol like a red wine, per day, can be a healthy choice.

But since we're focused on reducing stress, it's a good idea to consult with your doctor or physician to check if this is the best decision for you. Another thing to be cautious about is that caffeine can often give you a “high” which
you will become dependent on over time. This certainly won't be beneficial towards reducing the amount of stress that's present in your life.

8. Schedule Breaks Throughout Your Day

We all know how stressful work can be, whether it's the environment, the coworkers, or the tasks at hand – it can all add up rather quickly. One of the biggest blunders that people make in their work life is to neglect taking breaks throughout the day to refresh the mind. In actuality, there's no real legal business on the planet that will require anybody to work 24 hours per day non-stop.

Researchers have actually proven that if you don't schedule at least 1 hour for a break every day, you're far more likely to have health issues over a prolonged period of time. Always remember that life is truly short in the grand scheme of things. Don't waste all of your time on work. Take the time to go out and enjoy your day regardless of
where you are. Make sure that you schedule a number of (short) breaks during the work day.

Even if you just take that time to go outside for 5 minutes to get some fresh air and a drink. That sort of break will help you to clear your mind and allow you to prepare yourself to tackle the rest of the work for the day.

9. Identify At Least One Good Thing That Happened Today

This will definitely sound a bit generic in terms of advice and tips, but it's such solid advice that if you haven't started doing this, you really should consider it. Every evening all over the world, families and / or friends congregate in the evenings or after work and vent about their day and the events that it was made up of. However, instead of creating a negative atmosphere from the moment you walk in the door and sit down, try starting off on a different note.

Do this by exchanging good news and things that were positive about your day. It's really not difficult at all to address the good things that happened in life, and as a result, you'll find yourself more grateful for the things you have. You'll also find that you're better able to face stressors and other unfortunate occurrences in your day.

10. Be Prepared (Prepare For Tomorrow And The Future)

It's true that nothing can be more stressful than walking into a situation being completely unprepared. That's why you should invest some time every day towards getting ready for the following day. This could be as simple as drafting up a short to-do list and even cleaning up your environment and living area before you settle down for the evening.

Knowing that you have all of the different bases covered means that you'll be far less likely to fret about things that need to get done in the evenings or when you're not busy with work and other stuff. By better preparing yourself and organizing your life, you'll give yourself a better sense that you're fully in control of the situation and can handle it. This truly does set a positive tone for the day, evening, and future days, which in turn can help you to get far more accomplished.


Monday, September 30, 2019

How To Improve In Life

Sometimes, life is out of control. During these unwanted situations, you have no choice but to surrender. Without any question, you will just accept the fact that you lose.

However, surrendering is not about giving up. It is an art of allowing other beautiful things to come within. Believe it or not, surrendering is a not a sign of weakness, but rather a strength.

The Basics

However, it doesn’t mean that when you have problems in life, you will easily give up. As long as you can and you are on a right side, you have to fight for whatever situation. You only need to give up if you think that there is no other means but to surrender. But, before you surrender, you have to ask yourself. What do you want to give up? Is it your career, relationship or what? Are you ready to face its consequences?

If you want to know the real meaning of allowing and surrendering, this book serves as your guide. From its basic principles to its underlying secrets, all of them can be fully identified. All you have to do is to sit back and learn how this art of allowing and surrendering affects your life!

Figuring Out What You Truly Value

Like other people, you are also confused on what to do with your life. Before making any action, you always weigh several things. One of the hardest decisions you can make is to surrender. To surrender is to give up control or power of something to someone else. It means that you agreed to stop fighting, resisting and hiding because you already knew that you will not succeed or win. But, before surrendering, you need to know what will be the results of your actions. You also need to know what you really value before giving up.

Knowing what you really value isn’t an easy task. Before you figure it out, you have to consider various things. If you are not sure what you want, you need a perfect guide.

For your reference, here are the things you need to consider:

What Do You Value

Know What You Love to Do

Surrendering is not just about giving up your career or love issues. It is all about any situation in your life. Say for instance, if you are a high school graduate student and your parents are forcing you to study abroad, you have to give up insisting to stay. You need to give up, especially when your parents are planning to migrate. If you love designing, you can also take courses related to field. Then, since you need to pick only one course, you need to know which course fits for your preferences and qualifications.

Watch People Around You

Through watching people around you, you can easily figure out what makes you happy. Depending on your choice, you can start mingling with your friends or other relatives. Then, you have to ask them what makes them happy.
Life is too simple to handle. It is just a matter on how you manage it.

If you treasure one thing, make sure that you show that you really value it. Don’t easily give up, instead fight for it. Once you value one thing or anything, expect that you can easily decide whether you have to allow or surrender it.

Follow Your Guts

Ask yourself, what makes you happy and what objects or activities are you attracted to? If you know the answer to these questions, you can easily determine whether you are making a right decision or not. Just make sure that don’t try to force your interest. Do the things you love to enjoy your life.

Try Everything

If you can’t figure out what you really want, you have to try everything. You can try different activities like sports. You can try both activities you like and you don’t like. While doing these things, you have a chance to discover new activities. This scheme will help you in deciding what you really want and love to do.

Analyze Yourself

To know what you really want, you have to analyze yourself. For the best guide, you can get a pencil and paper and jot down notes. If you love various things, you need to weigh which of them is the best. In life, you don’t need to get them all. You have to know when to allow or give up something.

After knowing what you truly value, your next move is to start deciding the things you want to give up. Since you hold on the things you love, expect that you are making a right choice. Like others, you will enjoy your life and you will always be happy.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Financial Freedom Mindset

The more you understand about the unknown the more you really comprehend how little you understand. It makes you modest and brings you back to the domain of wonders, miracles and magic. A domain in which everything is conceivable.

Please study this article with a wide-open mind. You don't have to trust everything that's written here – simply explore as a scientist would do. When you hit a passage that's hard to grasp, take a break and ponder it awhile. Let your mind process this fresh information. Read this article a couple of times, take your time and produce your own experiences.

Those who truly want to attain a financially free mindset, have only to set their minds on it, and acquire the proper means, as they do in relation to any other aim which they want to achieve, and it can be easily done. But however simple it might be to make revenue, I have no doubt many will agree it's the hardest thing in the world to hold on to it.

It consists merely in spending less than we bring in; that appears to be a really simple issue. A lot of my readers might say, “we comprehend this: this is mindset, and we know mindset is wealth; we know we can’t eat our cake and have it as well.”

The Basics

True mindset is misconceived, and individuals go through life without properly grasping what that principle is.
One says, “I've an income of so much, and here is my neighbor who has the same; yet yearly he flourishes and I fall short; why is it? I understand all about mindset.” He thinks he does, but he doesn't.

There are men who believe that mindset consists in scrimping, in cutting off two cents from the wash bill and doing all sorts of little, mean things. Mindset isn't meanness. The misfortune is, likewise, that this class of individuals let their mindset apply in only one direction. They fancy they're so wonderfully frugal in saving a penny where they should spend two cents that they think they can afford to waste in other directions.

Before kerosene oil was exposed, one might stop overnight at nearly any farmer’s house and get a really good supper, but after supper he may attempt to read in the living room, and would find it impossible with the ineffective light of one candle.

The hostess, seeing his quandary, would state: “it's rather hard to read here evenings; we never have an additional candle except on special occasions." These special occasions happen, perhaps, twice a year. In that way the woman saves 5, 6, or 10 dollars: but the information which may be gained from having the extra light would, naturally, far outweigh a ton of candles.

But the difficulty doesn't end here. Feeling that she is so frugal in candles, she believes she can afford to go often to spend 20 or 30 dollars for ribbons and frills, many of which are not essential. This false belief may frequently be seen in other instances.

You find great businessmen who save old envelopes and scraps of paper. This is all OK; they might in this way save 5 or 10 dollars a year, but being so frugal (only in paper), they believe they can afford to squander time; to have expensive parties, and to drive their fancy cars. This is an illustration of “penny wise and pound foolish.” I never knew a man to succeed by applying this sort of mindset.

True sound financial mindset consists in always making the profit exceed the expenditure. Wear the old clothes a bit longer if essential; give up the new pair of gloves; fix the old dress: exist on plainer food if need be; so that, under all conditions, unless some unexpected accident happens, there will be a allowance in favor of the profit.

A penny here and a dollar there saved, goes on accumulating, and in that way the desired result is accomplished. It requires some training, possibly, to achieve this mindset, but when once used to it, you'll discover there's more satisfaction in rational saving than in irrational spending.

Here is a formula which I advocate: I've found it to work a great cure for extravagance, and particularly for mistaken mindset. When you find that you've no surplus money at the end of the year, and yet have a great income, I advise you to take a couple of pieces of paper and mark down each item of expenditure.

Post it daily or weekly in 2 columns, one headed “essentials” or even “comforts”, and the other headed “luxuries,” and you'll discover that the latter column will be double, or more, larger than the former. The true comforts of life cost but a small portion of what most of us may earn.

Think of the keep up with the Jones' attitude: One may say; “there's a man who has an income of fifty thousand dollars annually, while I have but one thousand dollars; I knew that young man when he was poor like myself; now he's wealthy and thinks he's better than I am; I'll show him that I'm as good as he is; I will go and purchase a fancy car; no, I can't do that, but I'll go and rent one and ride this afternoon on the same road that he does, and therefore prove to him that I'm as good as he is.”

My friend, you don't have to do all that; you may easily prove that you are “as good as he is;” you've only to behave as well as he does; but you can't make anybody feel that you're rich as he is. Also, if you act like this, and waste your time and spend your income, you'll remain poor, in order that you might keep up “appearances,” and, after all, deceive nobody.

You’ll not advance in the world, if your envy forces you into debt. In this country, where we believe the majority ought to rule, we brush aside that principle in reference to style, and let a handful of individuals, calling themselves the aristocracy, run up a fake standard of perfection, and in striving to rise to that standard, we perpetually keep ourselves poor; all the time grinding away for the sake of outside appearances.

How much more sensible to say, “We’ll regulate our expenditures by our income, and save something for a rainy day.” Individuals should be as sensible on the issue of money as on any other subject. Like movements produce like effects. You can't accumulate a fortune by taking the road that leads to impoverishment. Those who live beyond their means, with no thought of a setback in this life, may never attain monetary independence.

Men and women used to satisfying every impulse, will find it difficult, initially, to cut back their various unnecessary expenses, and will feel it a great denial to live in a littler home than they've been accustomed to, with less expensive furniture, less pricy clothing, less entertainment, and additional extravagances; but, after all, if they'll try saving a “nest-egg,” or judiciously investing, they'll be surprised at the joy from perpetually adding to their little “bundle”.

The old suit, and the old hat, will work for another season; the water tastes better than champagne; a brisk walk will prove more stimulating than a ride in the finest auto; an evening spent playing a family game will be far more pleasant than a 50 dollar night out, when you begin to know the pleasures of saving.

Thousands of men are kept poor, and tens of thousands are made so after they've acquired riches, in result of living beyond their means. “Easy come, easy go,” is an old and true adage. A spirit of pridefullness and vanity, when allowed to have full sway, is the undying problem.

Many individuals, as they set out to prosper, instantly start spending for luxuries, till in a short time their expenses eat up their income, and they become ruined in their absurd attempts to maintain appearances.


Saturday, September 21, 2019

How to Get What You Want in Life

Most individuals never consider what they wish in their lives. They live without this knowledge or premeditation and become victims of their own condition. Work is simply about a job – to make do financially. Life becomes a series of troubles like choosing to live someplace because the rent is inexpensive, never realizing how to be in relationships or becoming ineffective parents. The list carries on and on.

See It

Inside you there's a hungering for more. Is it meaning, contact or a richer understanding of life? No one has ever acquainted such individuals with the concept of perpetual possibility. “As a man thinketh, so is he.” A major mode to manifesting the life you wish is to think over what you wish out of life. What is it that you wish to do with your life?

A great exercise is to take a sheet of paper and put down the answers to the accompanying questions:

What is my deepest want?
What would I like to achieve in my lifetime?
What would I like to achieve this year?
Where would I wish to be in five years?
Where would I wish to be twenty years?
What am I great at?

Check into all fields of your life:

  • Your line of work
  • Your Relationship
  • Your Wellness
  • Your Financial state of affairs
  • How you have fun ( how you spend your vacations)

After you've put down a list of what you wish to achieve in your life, you'll need to set priorities for them. Simply take the list that you put down and provide every topic 1 - 5 points. 1 becoming the least crucial to five points becoming the most.

Now you've priorities in your life, which will help you determine where you wish your attention to be. It's an easy equation: comprehend simply that you wish to spend most of your time with the number 1 matter on your list. Spend somewhat less time with the number 2 entry on your list – and so forth for numbers 3 through 5.

There's no need to slice the day into time slots. Just by doing this exercise you're programming your consciousness to spend time harmonizing with your list.

Let's presume you'd like to discover your life partner in the next 2 years, and that this is your chief goal, at the very top of your list. When you check into your thought process at the end of the day and you discover that you've not spent most of your spare time addressing this goal, you've a misalignment, and you might never accomplish your goal.

When this occurs merely realize it and correct accordingly. Working all day only to sit down on your couch and watch television won't get you where you wish to be.

You have to take action to manifest your goal(s), for instance:

  • Take action by signing on for class
  • Enroll in a weekend seminar on a matter that fascinates you
  • Go to a workshop that centers on your interest
  • Spend time at places where you are able to meet individuals

If your goal happens to be that you wish to be a millionaire inside 5 years, and you're spending only 5 minutes of your time every day to achieve this goal, then don't be surprised if your financial state of affairs never alters.
There's another crucial aspect of manifestation here that calls for consistency. Let's presume you've made your priority list and everything on your list feels great up to now.

It's really crucial that you're in emotional concord with your goals – they have to feel correct to you. If you merely make goals in your mind that are not useful to you then you'll discover yourself having a difficult time working to accomplish them. What occurs with most individuals scenario is that they've a goal that feels correct for them, then they begin working at their goal.

Put differently, they place their attention into making their goal a fact. A couple of weeks go by and nothing occurs. Now dismay kicks in and the goal for some reason appears unreachable, the motivation is down to zilch. This is the point where you have to feel your dismay. Don't simply place it away or discount it – face it as totally and consciously as you are able to.

This may be unpleasant for you however it will help you get nearer to your goal. How is this? When you wish to alter your reality you evidently have to do something differently than what you've done previously. So this is where the truth check comes in. You look around and can't see any change. But changes might have already happened in your thinking and conduct.

You might have set matters in motion that you can't yet see. Dismay sets in when you presume that matters ought to be happening sooner than you're ready for them. Remember – there are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic time frames. So feel your dismay and let it resolve. View what you've done and realign your strategies. If one way doesn't lead to success don't quit at that point – merely attempt another.

If you stick with a goal you'll accomplish it. Occasionally you might push too hard when you simply have to let go and take the pressure off. You question yourself at this point, trusting there's nothing you are able to achieve. Go to the place in your brain where you know you can't bomb. Reading a book or viewing a motivational movie might help to get you realigned with your mighty source.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Success is Doing What You Love

The cornerstone of success in life is healthiness: that's the substratum fortune; it's likewise the cornerstone of happiness. An individual can't amass a fortune very well when he is sick. He has no ambition; no motivator; no force.
Naturally, there are those who have unsound health and can't help it: you can't expect that such individuals may amass wealth, but there are a good many in poor health who need not be so.

Most successful individuals have something in common. They enjoy what they do. You won't discover wealthy and successful individuals that detest what they do.

Have A Look

Each of us is unparalleled, having particular talents and gifts. It's something innately built-in in all of us, a compounding of energy patterns leading toward a natural kinship for particular issues in life, particular ways of being. Among the most crucial jobs in your life is to discover these talents and gifts inside yourself, which is an acknowledgement of what you've brought into your creation.

Let's presume that you're presented a hammer without having any cognition of how to use this tool. Remain with me now – this is a stark over-simplification of a highly crucial aspect of your truth. You're presented nails but you utilize the incorrect end of the hammer. You can't see any success with achieving your task of beating in the nails. You've the tool but not the cognition of its correct use.

Likewise, how may we manage our lives without understanding the many tools usable and their applications? You may even have an instant of enlightened clarity. We may all relate to at last understanding something that had been messing us up. Wouldn’t it be nice if somebody had shared the essential info in advance – before going through frustration and maybe surrender?

Realizing your own strengths and talents is utterly crucial for any further steps you take in life. Putting them down ought to make them more real to you if you’re not used to thinking of them. If you understand your distinctive strengths and gifts you ought to be able to write them down in a couple of sentences without having to think too much about the procedure.If you're not certain, or you truly have no clue, here are a couple hints that will help you describe them:

Remember your childhood:

  • What were the playthings you liked to play with?
  • What were you intrigued with?
  • What did you like most to play?
  • What gifts did you want to get for your birthday and Christmas?
  • What did you aspire to become in your future?

Ask your nearest acquaintances: 

Tell your acquaintances that you wish to reassess your talents and you need a realistic opinion from them. Make certain to ask your acquaintances to be 100% truthful with you. Let them take a new look at you and ask them to blank out what you're doing professionally – keep it on a personal plane.

  • What do your acquaintances believe you're good at?
  • What do they believe your talents are?
  • What do they urge you ought to do with your life?
  • Ask yourself a couple of questions

Take a notebook and read through these enquiries. Make certain you open your mind and let these questions solidify in your imagination. Don't take these queries too earnestly, play with them and likewise put down what bobs up spontaneously – these are occasionally the most fundamental answers.

These questions are configured to bring your consciousness out of the normal mentality. The most dependable solutions are always discovered outside the normal domain of thinking. Remember, your mind is part of the collective awareness; consequently you've access to all info. Your mind is connected to the infinite source of all cosmos.

What would you do if you possessed enough income not to work ever again?

  • What were your ambitions when you were younger?
  • What do you believe is impossible for you to accomplish?
  • What would you do if you acquired 5 million dollars?
  • What would you do if this was the crack of doom?
  • What would you do if you could not bomb?
  • What are your specialties and talents?
  • Do you have a want but don't know how to satisfy it?
  • What do you like most about other people?
  • What would your ideal life-style look like?
  • What does success mean for you?
  • What makes you truly happy?
  • What does a perfect day look like for you?
  • What would you do if there were no limitations?
  • What would you be esteemed and recognized for?
  • Where do you view your life in 10 years?
  • If you were immortal, what would you accomplish with your life?
  • What needs to shift to make this a better Earth?
  • What are you proud of?
  • What would you like to achieve this year?
  • What would you do differently if you could begin once again?

Discovering your strengths and talents is like first constructing the basement for your home. It's your foundation. It's like the dirt from which a solid and beautiful tree may grow. It supplies you with your unique potential. It's the unique endowment that came with you when you were born. You are being asked here to nurture it till it's substantial enough to guide you in your life.

Don't blow your time chasing somebody else's ambition or goal or anything that isn't given to you that you can't claim 1st as your own. Utilize the gifts you came in with or the ones you acquired along the way. You might become really good at something but you'll never discover true, lasting happiness with it if you can’t own it totally.

Utilize whatever tools you feel comfy with. Attempt to discover a way to dig deeper into yourself. This is your life – and you’re worth it! If good health is the cornerstone of success and happiness in life, how crucial it is that we ought to study the laws of wellness! And yet how many individuals there are who pay no attention to this, but absolutely breach it, even against their own innate inclination.

We should know that the “ignorance” is never bliss. A youngster might poke its finger into the fire without knowing it will burn, and so suffers. Many individuals knowingly violate the laws of nature against their better impulses, for the sake of style. For example, there's one thing that no one would ever naturally love, and that's tobacco; yet how many individuals there are who purposely train an unnatural appetite, and get to love it.

They have got hold of a poison; or rather it takes a firm hold of them. A perilous feature is that this artificial appetite, like jealousy, “develops by what it feeds upon;” when you love that which is unnatural, a heavier appetite is produced for the injurious thing than the natural desire for what is harmless. There's an old proverb which states that “habit is second nature,” but an artificial habit is firmer than nature.

Youth regrets that they're not grown; they would like to go to bed children and wake up adults; and to accomplish this they copy the foul habits of their elders. Little Mike sees his father or uncles smoke a pipe, and they say, “If I could only do that, I would be a grownup too; uncle John has left and left his pipe of tobacco, let me try it.”

He acquires a match and lights it, and then puff away. “I'll learn to smoke; but it tastes bitter; he thinks” later he grows pale, but he persists, sticks to it and perseveres till finally he conquers his natural appetite and becomes the victim of acquired tastes.

His palate has become narcotized by the harmful smoke. This shows what expensive, useless and harmful habits men will get into. I speak from experience. I've smoked till I trembled, the blood rushed to my head, and I had a quivering of the heart which I thought was a heart condition.

When I consulted my doctor, he said “stop using tobacco.” I wasn't only injuring my health and spending a lot of money, but I was setting a bad example. I obeyed his advice. These comments apply with tenfold force to the utilization of intoxicating drinks. To make revenue, calls for a clear brain.

A man has got to see that 2 and 2 make 4; he has to set all his plans with contemplation and caution, and closely examine all the details and the ins and outs of business. As no man may succeed in business unless he has a mind to enable him to set his plans, and reason to lead him in their execution, so, regardless how plentifully a man might be blessed with intelligence, if the mind is muddled, and his judgment distorted by intoxicating drinks, it's impossible for him to conduct business successfully.

How many great opportunities have passed, never to come back, while a man was sipping a “social glass,” with his acquaintance! How many dopey bargains have been made under the influence, which temporarily makes its victim believe he's rich? How many crucial chances have been postponed till tomorrow, and then eternally, as the wine has thrown the system into a state of lethargy, neutralizing the energies so crucial to success in business?


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How to be Successful With Money

At one point in your lifetime, you might ask yourself why others are so successful with money when you're not. Depending upon how closely you look, you'll have a lot of answers.

Do these sound like something you think?

  • They're just more prosperous than I am
  • They've better training than I do
  • They were born into a wealthy family
  • They're white and have more beneficial opportunities than I do
  • They already had the revenue to begin a business
  • They already had the revenue to invest in realty
  • They're brighter than I am
  • They're younger than I am
  • They look better than I do
  • They likely work harder than I do

The list likely carries on filling many pages. Money is the topic that renders the most notions, followed by the issue of relationships. You might not understand this yet, but your notions are the pattern for your reality. If you knew that, would you designedly create one from the list above? Likely not, as these notions are not supportive at all.

These beliefs produce a truth that leaves you 'playing' the dupe, and moreover, keeps you right where you are. You're not bettering your life one bit. Why are we producing these notions in the first place, when we understand that they're not constructive in the least?

The answer dwells nature of our consciousness. Most of us were told that there's a universe out there and this universe conditions our truth. It's the common notion that life happens to us. Most of us get these notions supported several times per day. The consequence is that our consciousness becomes imprinted every day with the same message. The message with the same old notion.

In the meantime, as grownups, we're not even cognizant that our life, 'as it happens' is constructed around a notion. It becomes a fundamental reality that we prove to ourselves in every moment. So how do we get out of this quandary? We have to take a step backwards and view our notions. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil and put down all the notions you have about income.

Don't think excessively, be spontaneous. When you've run out of your own notions, consider what others notions are about money. Then mark each notion with an 'I' or an 'S' depending if the notion is hindering or supportive. Hindering notions don't support producing wealth, supportive notions do. Now, view your list and count every supportive and hindering notion. What is your score?

How many hindering notions do you have, and how many supportive notions do you have? Recognize that all the hindering notions don't support the production of fortune. Now, take a fresh sheet of paper, and brainstorm notions that will precisely produce the wealth you'd like to have. When you're done with the list, check out each of your fresh notions and produce a mental picture.

Hold this image for at least ten - twenty seconds. You might require some practice, but each time you do it, you'll get better at it. Do this exercise in a calm, tranquil and relaxed environment, as this will help to impress these notions into your consciousness.

Remember, notions are the design of what will manifest in your life. With a little preparation, you'll be able to move onto the next stage, which is feeling your notions. Feel as though these fresh notions, that foster what you truly want to create, have really been manifested.

  • How does it feel to be a millionaire?
  • How does it feel to have copiousness in your life?
  • How does it feel to have more income than you are able to spend?
  • How does it feel to give to other people?
  • How does it feel to purchase something without having to view the price?

Whenever you see yourself thinking or speaking a hindering belief about money, quit what you're doing. Return to the place in your mind where you call up one of your purposely created beliefs about revenue, and connect with it. The more you accomplish this, the more you'll train your brain to think in a fresh way, a way that heads to living an abundant and favorable life.


Monday, September 16, 2019

How to Build Wealth

Let me kickoff by admitting that I've been flat broke previously. I've had those times where I was altogether stressed about how I was going to pay the bills that were really past due! I’ve likewise had times where I've had more than adequate income to pay all my bills and purchase boats, autos and take big holidays.

I've had both of the experiences in a matter of weeks. I'm going to explain, really simply, what I've done to return into alignment with producing more than enough revenue and more.

Steps to Build Wealth

Draw the line in the sand. Arrive at a choice. From this instant forward you'll draw in more revenue and produce a structure and habits that support a fresh and bettered level of wealth. You have to stand for this. You have to be thirsty for change.

You have to trust you are able to do this. Even if you're frightened that this time won't be different from the other times, you've made this selection. You'll take a few actions now that won't let you slip out the back entrance on yourself. Take a bit of effort now to back yourself in the larger goal.

What is it precisely that you wish to be different? If you wish more revenue to come in the door, how much and how frequently? Do you wish an additional ten thousand this year or monthly? Do you wish your business to gross an additional million or net an additional million? When? This month? This year? By next year? You have to decide or it becomes one of those "someday" things.

If, an amount feels unreachable, then make it littler. If the amount you've selected feels too little and you'll still be wishing you had more revenue, than make it larger. Above all, whatever sum of money you're deciding to have, mean what you state. This is so easy, but this is where most individuals fall and the rest their efforts don't generate successful results.

And one additional thing, its nobody else's business what numbers you pick. Some individuals may judge your numbers as being too little or large based on their own life. As long as you feel firm about your selection and you're not wimping out on yourself, go on it!

What will you spend the money on? Once more, this is your money and you have to be emotionally attached to it. Where is it going to go? If you're going to pay debts, arrive at a plan for how you'll accomplish it and then choose where the money will go when the debt is paid back. Now you've the origins of a plan. That was simple, eh?!

If you're going to save income, how much and to where? You might have to do a little imagining and inquiry to perfect this step. If you wish to expand your business with some of this additional money, it might take you a little extra planning, but you'll be very energized. This exhilaration will help move you towards success.

Now, clear up and put down how this is going to feel once achieved. I recognize to a few of you this step will sound like a waste. Don't skip over this step. You need to make this goal so real in your brain and heart that you run, not walk, to more riches. This step is essential in both technique and the Law of Attraction.

Produce precise actions and habits that you'll apply beginning now to support this goal of more riches. You might only require a couple of actions. This isn't rocket science. For a few of you, it might merely be a matter of producing accountability. You already understand what to do. For a few of you, it might be about producing an entire new relationship with income.

I know a couple of you need to quit your job or remove or add fresh team members. Yes, you might dread a few things on your list, but will you be glad once you do it? If the answer is yeah, keep it on your list. Dissect big actions into little steps so they're digestible.

Inspired action. Many of you've heard this a million times but you're still not applying it. Are you taking actions that feel great? Are they somebody else's "should's" or are they really something you've selected to do. Your intuition is speaking to you. Are you hearing?

Who's going to support you? Are you invested enough to see this goal through? Will you believe that you'll succeed even when you don't believe there are any signs of betterment over a long time period? Who's going to help you in a way that really works for you? Consistency is key.

If you truly wish to have more money in your bank account and wallet, then print this out and follow the steps in the next twenty-four hours. This whole process might take as little as an hour or two. How passionate are you about becoming wealthy? It's not a matter of "if" you'll be more prosperous, but "when."

How many have nearly accomplished the goal of their aspiration, but, losing faith in themselves, have loosened up their energies, and the golden prize has been lost eternally. If you pause, some bolder hand will stretch forth and acquire the prize. Recall the proverb of Solomon: “He becomes poor that deals with a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent gets rich.”

Perseverance is occasionally but a different word for self-reliance. A lot of individuals naturally look on the dark side of life, and adopt trouble. They're born so. Then they invite advice, and they'll be governed by one current of air and blown by a different, and can't rely on themselves. Till you are able to get so that you are able to rely on yourself, you need not expect to succeed.

Men who have met with monetary reverses, and utterly committed suicide, because they believed they could never overpower their misfortune. But I've known other people who have met graver financial troubles, and have bridged them over by mere perseverance, aided by a solid belief that they were doing right.

You'll see this illustrated in any sphere of life. Work at it, if essential, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never putting off for a single hour that which may be done just as well right away.
The old adage is full of truth and meaning, “Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.”

Many a man develops a fortune by doing his business thoroughly, while his neighbor stays poor in life, because he only half does it. Ambitions, vitality, industry, doggedness, are indispensable essentials for success in business.
Fortune forever favors the courageous, and never helps a man who doesn't help himself. It won’t do to spend your time in waiting for something to “turn up.”

To such men one of 2 things commonly “turns up:” the poorhouse or sorrow: for idleness breeds foul habits, and clothes a man in rags. The poor spendthrift vagrant says to a wealthy man:

“I have discovered there's enough money in the world for all of us, if it was evenly divided; this must be done, and we shall all be content together.”

“But,” was the reply, “if everyone was like you, it would be spent in 2 months, and what would you do then?”
“Oh! Divide once more; keep dividing, naturally!”

Do your part of the work, or you can't succeed. Mohammad, one night, while camping in the desert, overheard one of his dog-tired followers note: “I'll loose my camel, and trust it to the higher power!” “No, no, not so,” stated the prophet, “tie thy camel, and trust it to the higher power!” Do all you are able to for yourselves, and then trust to luck, or whatever you call it, for the remainder.

In the nature of matters, an agent can't be as faithful to his employer as to himself. Several who are employers will call to mind cases where the best employees have neglected important points which may not have escaped their notice as an owner.

No man has a right to expect to win in life unless he understands his business, and nobody may understand his business thoroughly unless he studies it by personal application and experience. A man might be a manufacturer: he has got to study the many details of his business personally; he will discover something daily, and he will find he will make errors nearly daily.

And these very errors are helps to him in the way of experiences if he simply minds them. You have to exercise your caution in setting your plans, but be bold in carrying them out. A man who's all caution, will never dare to take charge and be successful; and a man who's all boldness, is simply foolhardy, and must finally fail.

A man may go on “’change” and make 50 thousand dollars in speculating in stocks, at a single procedure. But if he has mere boldness without care, it's simple chance, and what he gains now he will lose tomorrow. You have to have both the caution and the daring, to guarantee success.

Never have anything to do with an ill-fated man or place. That's to say, never have anything to do with a man or place which never wins, as, although a man might appear to be honest and smart, yet if he attempts this or that thing and forever fails, it is on account of some error or debility that you might not be able to discover but all the same which must exist.

There's no such thing in the world as luck. There never was a man who could go out in the morning and come across a purse full of gold in the street today, and another tomorrow, and so forth, day in day out: He might do so once in his life; but so far as simple luck is concerned, he's as liable to lose it as to discover it.

Like causes produce like consequences. If a man acquires the proper techniques to be successful, “luck” won't prevent him. If he doesn't succeed, there are reasons for it, although, maybe, he might not be able to see them.
