Saturday, November 28, 2020

Study reveals this pick-up line will score you a date

A study carried out by the Canadian dating site Plenty of Fish has revealed which pick-up lines work the best in online dating. Check out the video to find out more!

Making the first move on a dating app or dating site is always a bit of a headache, whether you're on Tinder, Grindr or even Facebook Dating. Should you start with a compliment about their body? Try to find things you both have in common? Or foolishly choose the simple and traditional ‘Hi, how are you?’

That’s what the Canadian dating site Plenty of Fish wanted to find out with a survey they carried out with 1,100 former and now married members of the site, who met their other halves online.

Which pick-up line would you go for in online dating?

The first surprising observation from this study was that 39.63% of the women involved said that they were the ones who had made the first move, thus pushing the boat out about the classic misconceptions surrounding seduction techniques. But when it was the men who had initiated the conversation, they were rarely original.

So, the strategy that seemed to work the best according to the results of this study, that was picked up by Men’s Health, was to make a remark about a specific detail from the other person’s profile in order to spark interest. A technique which worked for 16.59% of the people in the survey.

Just behind this was the traditional ‘Hi, how are you?’ which against all odds, led 14.75% of participants to the aisle. Then came personal questions…

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Thursday, November 26, 2020

How to create an online dating profile that attracts 93% more matches

Dating has changed a lot since the outbreak of coronavirus, moving a lot more online than ever before. Psychologist Dr Amantha Imber explains how to increase your likelihood of finding success on dating apps through certain profile tweaks.

Single people have never been more reliant on online dating than they are now. Thanks to COVID-19, the days of walking into a crowded bar and easily meeting people seems like an eternity ago.

Wearing a mask and keeping 1.5m apart in potential meeting places doesn’t quite have the same appeal.

While creating an online dating profile that leads to more matches may seem like it just comes down to what you look like, there are several strategies you can use to boost your chances of finding a great partner.

Include at least three photos in your profile

According to Lucille McCart, the country lead for Bumble in Australia, users that have three to six photos get 93 percent more matches.

McCart explained on the How To Date podcast, “If you've just got your two best photos on there, even if you look absolutely fantastic, you're still not going to get as many matches because people are really looking to see a variation of different things.”

Selecting photos that show you doing things that you love is a great way to get variety.

Be deliberate with the photos you choose

In addition to having a range of photos, selecting the optimal ones matters a…

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

How to Protect Yourself When Dating in 2021

In 2021, it’s possible to find anyone online.This fact has transformed the landscape of dating in many ways. On the one hand, the risks have increased. On the other, there are more and more ways we can protect ourselves.

A full background check is time-consuming, costly, and unnecessary. If all you’re trying to do is confirm the information a potential partner has given, there are far less expensive and simpler ways to do so. We outline the steps to take in this article.

Search Google

This is the obvious first step. When someone wants to learn more about a person online, they’ll predictably turn to search engine no. 1. However, a simple search of the subject’s name will retrieve basic information that you already know, like their social media, 90% of the time. You’ll be clicking through results endlessly if you’re looking for a person with a common name. You need to add more than a name to your search. Start with a full name surrounded by quotation marks, e.g., “Theodor Duncan” and additional phrases like university, school, crimes, boyfriend, girlfriend, divorce, or debt. Ask for their email or phone number and add it to the search.

Be Realistic

We know, easier said than done. After all, we know how disappointing online dating can be. You might meet someone on the rebound, who is overly focused on appearance, or who has gone online only because a family member or friend encouraged them to. It might be the case this person isn’t emotionally ready…

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Saturday, November 14, 2020

5 Ways To Make A Long Distance Relationship Last If You Meet Online

Long-Distance Relationship Is Hard Work

Long-distance relationships come with their own unique set of challenges. There are many uncertainties involved you’ll often find yourself questioning, is the relationship worth it? Would it be better to date a random person in real life? What if it is a scam? What if the relationship isn’t what I’ve hoped for? Doubting the relationship and its integrity is something that will only damage the fragileness of your young couple.

Be Honest and Be Yourself

Everything that needs to last long requires trust and honesty. Both things go hand-in-hand you can’t expect only to give or take; it’s the same with business deals. Mutual understanding leads to long-lasting partnerships. The same is the case with long-distance relationships. Without being honest and open, there are little honeyed words can do to help with it.

Improve Your Communication Skills

Communicate more; long-distance relationships are fueled based on interactions. There is no other way of knowing or understanding your partner since there are no face-to-face interactions, nor are you a part of their day. This is why it is important to regularly ask questions like, “how was your day? Did you eat today?”.Simple good morning and good night messages can make an enormous difference as well.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Eight dating trends you can expect in 2021

socializing photoBlue-stalling: When two people are dating and acting like a couple, but one person in the partnership states they're unready for any sort of label or commitment (despite acting in a different manner).

Breadcrumbing: Leaving ‘breadcrumbs’ of interest – random noncommittal messages and notifications that seem to lead on forever, but don’t actually end up taking you anywhere worthwhile Breadcrumbing is all about piquing someone’s interest without the payoff of a date or a relationship.

Caspering: Being a friendly ghost – meaning yes, you ghost, but you offer an explanation beforehand. Caspering is all about being a nice human being with common decency. A novel idea.

Catfish: Someone who uses a fake identity to lure dates online.

Clearing: Clearing season happens in January. It’s when we’re so miserable thanks to Christmas being over, the cold weather, and general seasonal dreariness, that we will hook up with anyone just so we don’t feel completely unattractive. You might bang an ex, or give that creepy guy who you don’t really fancy a chance, or put up with truly awful sex just so you can feel human touch. It’s a tough time. Stay strong.

Cloutlighting: Cloutlighting is the combo of gaslighting and chasing social media clout. Someone will bait the person they’re dating on camera with the intention of getting them upset or angry, or making them look stupid, then share the video for everyone to laugh at.

Cockfishing: Also known as catcocking. When…

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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Why Does Finding True Love Seem So Difficult?

We come into this world with a predisposition to love and be loved. But then, why is finding true love so difficult when we're adults?

Do we lose our understanding of love along the way? Do the experiences of life gradually jade us to the possibility of authentic love?

Finding true love and a committed relationship that can stand tests of time is rare.

A lasting loving relationship must be grounded in respect, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, fidelity, and safety. These are sustaining qualities of relationships, but rarely are we taught to look for them.


So, why does finding love seem so difficult?

We are taught, in general, to look for the superficial and fleeting qualities that foster attraction: Good looks, sex, money, and our desired lifestyle.

How can a person seek and find true love when the roadmap leads to these unsustainable quests?

Perhaps, the question isn’t so much, “Why is finding true love so difficult?” but, “Am I really seeking true love?”

If you're setting off on a road trip, it makes sense that you have a destination in mind. Even if you’re open to wandering a bit and taking in unexpected points of interest, your journey is dictated by your intended destination.

And so it is with the journey to love.

What is your definition of true love?

You can’t go looking for something that you wouldn’t recognize if it were…

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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Digital dating – how to find a lasting relationship online

How do you form a lasting connection through virtual dating?

“One thing that ends many potential connections before they’ve barely had a chance to get off the ground is a lack of eye contact via video. Digi-daters report that holding an electrically charged gaze is one of the best ways to gauge whether there’s chemistry during a call, yet so many people trip up here: they end up self-consciously checking themselves out on screen instead of their possible partner, anxiously spying on how their hair or face looks. It’s definitely worth practicing how best to use your “windows to the soul” while you’re using Windows! According to body language expert Adrianne Carter, nine seconds is the optimum time to hold sultry eye contact, before it becomes a staring competition!

“If you find someone who you have the hots for, don’t feel you have to play it too cool with them: a third of people say they find it really encouraging if a cyber date suggests another rendezvous before the current date has finished, and that it gives a good impression that their match isn’t afraid of lasting, loving connections. Taking the reins to arrange a date and time, and suggesting innovative themes or ideas like a virtual cocktail-making class, cooking in tandem or playing an online game all help let someone know you see them as “potentially something that could last” rather than “this is the last time you’ll hear from me!”. Successful online dating frequently…

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Friday, November 6, 2020

10 Best Dating Sites & Apps in 2021 For People Over 40

professional couple photoWith so many different platforms to choose from, finding the best dating sites for over 40 singles is just as difficult as dating itself.

As you enter this stage in your life, it’s no longer safe to assume everyone you meet is single and looking for love. That’s why online dating can be the safest way to avoid any awkward encounters when you make a move on someone who’s happily married with children.

Whether you’re newly single or just looking to revamp for dating life, dating sites and apps have something for everyone.

Why is dating so hard in your 40s?

For people over 40, finding love or even finding a date can feel like walking through a maze blindfolded. Dating in your 40s is hard because, by this age, your life is more settled, and you have a routine and a lifestyle that you’re used to.

Doing new things in your 40s doesn’t come as easily as it did in your younger years. Dating can feel like a chore, and sometimes it seems like there’s no good singles left.

But that’s not true! You are a good single and there’s plenty more like you out there if you just know where to look. (Spoiler alert: we’re going to let you know where to look.)

Plus, you’re at an age where you know who you are, you’ve made all the mistakes in love in your 20s and 30s, and now you’re ready for and capable of a more meaningful connection than ever…

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Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Online Dating Survival Guide for 2021

Your on-again, off-again relationship has finally become permanently just a memory. And now that you’ve become accustomed to having dates on the weekend, you find yourself with no dates, no prospects and very little to do. Hanging with friends doesn’t sound too exciting, and you’re just not into the bar or singles scene. So, what should you do?

Your friends are encouraging you to try online dating, but you haven’t done it before and you’re just not sure how to go about it. Well, there are a lot of reasons people try online dating, and if you’re currently not attached to someone, it’s the perfect time to try. If you’re new to online dating, there are some things you should know – and some things to watch out for as you begin your journey.

Without realising it, people tell you a lot about themselves without even saying a word. It’s how they text or email, and what topics they bring up. For example, if you’re on a dating site or app and someone starts talking about sex, that’s a signal to say “adios” and move on to someone else. It’s just not appropriate to bring this up before you even meet, and if that’s what they’re looking for, have them look somewhere else.

The Advantages of Online Dating

Many dating sites have rating or scoring systems to see if you’re a match with someone. This is a good thing, and when you use one of these sites, you get to be choosy! Make sure you share common interests with the person and use the site’s scoring…

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