Monday, August 31, 2020

Online Dating Profile Tips

When you’re creating your profile for an online dating site, you may be one of the many who throws in a few false facts to try to spruce up the appeal of your profile to the men or women you’re targeting.

There are some things you should also leave out if you want to make a good first impression. It doesn’t mean you have to lie about who you are or what you believe, but sometimes it’s best to present yourself with your best foot forward in the beginning.

First, try not to sound like a bitter, soured person who is already burnt out on the opposite sex. If you had a bad experience with your boyfriend, don’t sound like a man-basher in your profile. No men will want to take on someone who has that much baggage following them around.

Negativity in general is a turn off for many people. If you hate the traffic, hate the weather, hate your job, and hate your life – what is there to like about you? The people you encounter on online dating sites don’t want a fixer-upper – they want someone compatible with their own personality.

Even if you’ve been plagued by bad first dates with other dating site members, don’t focus on what went wrong, but find the silver lining and talk about the details you did appreciate – even if it was just a learning experience.

Try to stand out from the crowd. Cookie cutter profiles are a turn off and if you don’t give the reader anything unique, how are they supposed to be impressed enough to choose you from the masses?

How many times have you read, “I love candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach?” Don’t be boring! Instead of candlelight dinners, be specific and say, “I love Mortini’s Italian Restaurant because the host always gives me the best seat in the house and their Alfredo Sauce is to die for!” This gives them insight into your personality, but it also lets them envision their first date with you.

To really spruce up a profile and take out everything a prospective partner doesn’t want, try to be specific about who you’re seeking in a mate. Make sure they know you’re flexible, if you are, but don’t just say, “I like a sense of humor” if what you really mean is, “I’m sarcastic and love someone who can give as good as they get with me.”

This helps remove the possibility that those you won’t be compatible will contact you and wind up being a waste of your time. Be sure to find people whose profiles you respect and emulate their success by substituting your own facts and outlook on life and soon, you’ll be seizing the opportunity to have a first encounter with someone new.

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Online Dating vs Real Life

When it comes to online dating, anyone can do it. Sites have popped up for anyone – from teenagers to senior citizens. If you want it, you can find it online. The real question is whether online dating is for you or not.

Do You Want to Meet Someone?

If you want to meet someone new and haven’t had any luck with your other methods, what do you have to lose? If you do it correctly and take the right safety precautions, online dating isn’t any more dangerous than any other type of dating.

Are You Flexible?

While you do want to be clear about your deal breakers, you do want to be open and flexible about some of your preferences that aren’t deal breakers. For example, if you could live with dating someone shorter than you if they met all your other requirements, why not give it a try?

Do You Like Meeting People Outside Your Circle?

Do you have the type of job where you can travel to meet new people, and it’s okay with you if they travel to meet you? If you click, can one or both of you move to a new city to establish the relationship? If not, you might want to stick to local dating, but otherwise, the whole world is open to you for finding a potential mate.

Can You Be Open and Truthful?

Some people get online and think they’re anonymous. They don’t have good self-esteem – or worse, they are scammers, and they lie about who they are, what they want, and any number of things. Don’t be one of these people. Be honest, open, and truthful to others and yourself about who you are, and only associate with other people who are doing the same. If you’re a female and a guy isn’t willing to give you the information you need to ensure that they’re safe, skip them.

Can You Tame Your Expectations?

Today, with filters and the knowledge the average person has about marketing, it’s easy to create an amazing online dating profile and resume that makes them look like a dream come true. Also, some people find it easier to text and chat online and not as easy in person.

You’ll need to lower your expectations for each first date so that you can get to know the person as they really are and not just how they want to be perceived. It doesn’t really always mean they lied either. It just may mean that they’re awkward in public, have social anxiety, or used a picture that represented how they felt inside.

Do You Think It’s Fun?

This is probably one of the most important questions you can ask. If you think it’s fun, then it’s for you. There are sites for all age groups, preferences, and even specialty sites for those with illnesses or unique likes and desires. If you want it, you can find it online – as long as you know where to look.

Online dating can be for anyone who wants to try it. If you try it and don’t like it, then you don’t have to keep doing it. There isn’t any one group of people that online dating is not for. It would be nice if scammers and those who wish to do harm would not enter online dating but they do, just like they go to bars, book groups, and find other ways to scam people.

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How To Slide Into Someone’s DMs & Get Them To Notice You

This involves some common sense.

You probably already know that DMs stand for “direct messages,” so when you “slide into DMs”, you want the other person to notice you and correspond with you.

In my psychotherapy practice, young adults between the ages of 16 and 26 with a range of problems meet with me to talk about their relationships.

Many of them use online methods to connect with a potential partner and want to know how to slide into DMs and get noticed.

In modern dating, everyone wants to know how to slide into someone's DMs and get noticed.

Romantic relationships — hookups, friends with benefits, dating, and even polyamory — are a big part of our conversation.

After all, being in a relationship is an important part of healthy development, and of life. Nonetheless, relationships can be challenging to navigate. That is a universal truth.

Dating and getting into a relationship can be difficult for everyone.

One of the most common methods these days to meet people is through dating apps and other forms of social media.

Meeting people online is no longer necessarily regarded as creepy or as something that only losers do. It still requires caution, though, and common sense must prevail.

Whether meeting people in person or online, the basics of what, when, and how still apply. You have to consider what to say, how to say it, and if and when take it up a notch.

One of the advantages of going the DM route is that it shifts the back-and-forth over social media to a place that is just between you two. Unless, of course, you share the conversation with your friends.

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Photo by Hollywata


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Online Dating Conversation Starters

There are some basic rules of dating that apply whether you’re dating online or not, but there are some that are unique to online dating. Let’s go over a few of them. Hint: they all start with being honest.

Use Recent Photos

It’s not fair to use a picture from your senior year of high school if you’re ten years past high school. Get a recent picture just for your profile. Have a friend take it, use your smartphone, or use the webcam on your laptop.

You don’t need a professional headshot – and to be honest a professional headshot doesn’t really say who you really are. Whether we like it or not, people are visual creatures and if you lie about something as basic as your appearance, you aren’t going to be successful. It’s okay to show your best features, but don’t look so different in your profile that they won’t know who you are if they see you in person.

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Let Your Freak Flag Fly

Before you even go on a date, if you know that you have certain issues, fetishes or social differences, say so in your profile – or at least when you talk to the person before you go on a date. It can be a deal breaker for some people who otherwise like you to know that you like to be diapered like a baby. For others, it might be their thing.

It’s hard to talk about these things when you haven’t even met someone, but with online dating, it’s expected that there will be fewer surprises on the “getting to know you phase” of the date. Plus, if something is important to you, enough that you’re going to eventually bring it up with someone you like, you best bring it up before so that you don’t get hurt or waste your time.

Be Truthful

Don’t lie and say you run a big corporation when you don’t. You don’t have to brag about living in your mom’s basement, but you shouldn’t lie about it either. Dating is about being yourself, and the only way to do that is to be truthful on the dating profile and in conversations with others about your situation in life.

You may be surprised to find out that other people are in the same boat and don’t care as much as you may have thought. Dating isn’t acting. Dating is real. Dating is most often about potentially finding a life partner and if you’re not interested in that, say so from the beginning on your profile – not after the fifth date.

Respond Only If Interested

It may seem cruel, but you really shouldn’t talk to people you know that you’re not going to be interested in and will never meet no matter what. If they’re not right for you, don’t respond to them. If they keep contacting you just say, “Thank you very much for your interest but I don’t believe we are compatible.” If they continue, or are jerks due to it, block them and move on.

Also, some people seem to like to go on dates out of boredom, even when they know that they will never go on another date with that person. Please don’t do this. Only meet up with a person if you think there is a potential based on your mutual reasons for being on the online dating app.

This is especially a problem when someone wants others to pay for the dinners but have no intentions of even considering another date. Same with those who are only after sex but don’t admit it in their profiles. Don’t date someone looking for love and marriage if you only want sex.


When you do finally connect with someone, it’s imperative that you stop talking and listen to them. Many people report that dates tend to do all the talking and they never ask questions about the other person. So, if the person isn’t talking, ask them questions about themselves that you don’t know from their profile.

The more you ask them questions about themselves, the more favorable the date will seem to them. However, on the other side, if the date isn’t also doing the same for you, you might want to question if they’re really interested in you or just the experience.

Be You Even If You Risk Rejection

Don’t try to put on a fake personality. If you’re not outgoing, don’t be outgoing. If you’re not talkative, don’t try to be. If you don’t like going to certain types of movies, don’t go to that movie. If you don’t like hiking, don’t hike. You should be who you are even if you risk rejection. The reason is that no one can maintain a false persona forever.

Someday the real you will come out and if you’ve attached yourself to someone who wants to do things all the time you don’t want to do, it will not work out in the long run. Ideally, you want to meet someone who likes doing the same things you like doing. It’s not really true that opposites attract and work out. They might attract at first, but for a good long-term situation, you both must be willing and happy to engage in the things the other person likes to do.

Offer to Pay

This is always a tricky one and it does depend on what you want out of life. The way it should work in an equal society is the person who planned the date should pay. When you get to know each other more, perhaps the person with the best job should pay.

Men do not always have to pay, but men should consider that women usually make less than they do. However, on the occasion that they find a woman who earns more than them and is willing to pay, they should not take it as an insult. So again, this will depend on what you’re looking for, your age group, and what’s important to you. It’s also okay to pay your own bill and get separate tickets for first dates, and no one should feel put off by this.


Risk of Online Dating

There are some tried-and-true methods for avoiding scammers when engaging in online dating that you should consider. Even when you know yourself and what your goals are for online dating, there are people out there who will want to do you harm. But, this is true no matter how you get a date. There are ways to mitigate the risk of online dating.

Avoid Long-Distance Relationships – While it’s good to be open to possibilities, if you don’t have the means to travel easily to the place in question, you may want to avoid long-distance relationships – especially from other countries. Most scammers go after long-distance relationships because it’s harder to meet in person and that way they can take advantage in some way, usually by asking for money.

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Don’t Give Out Personal Information – While they’re going to get some personal information from you easily just by having your picture and name, be careful about giving out your address, phone number, and other personal information directly on your profile. If they insist on having your personal info right off the bat, you can skip them as they may not have good intentions.

Listen to What People Say – Liars can never keep their lies straight. Therefore, listen carefully to what people say and match them their words to what they said in the past. You don’t want to engage them and fight with them about it; you just need to show it to yourself so that you know to move on. Don’t waste your time if you even think someone is a liar.

Watch Their Actions – As the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” If someone’s actions seem fishy, they probably are. If you have a weird feeling about someone, it’s probably accurate. If they make excuses, don’t want to meet, want to meet at strange times, or in strange places, it’s probably best to not talk to them at all.

Talk to Them First – Before meeting someone, talk to them on Skype or Facebook video. This is a good way to find out if they match their picture and to hear their voice. Sadly, if their English isn’t very good and they don’t look like their picture, they may be scammers. If they seem the same talking to them that they seemed in chat, then you’re probably good to go.

Check Out Their Photo – You can use a reverse image search by uploading their photo into TinEye to find out how many times the image has been used and by whom. This can stop scammers cold because scammers hardly ever use their own photos. If you find out that someone is using a false photo on your dating app, you can usually report them.

Meet in Person – Don’t put off meeting in person if you feel a connection with someone online that you’ve checked out and talked to. If they make excuses about meeting in person, then there may be a serious problem and they might not be who they say they are. Make sure your first meeting is in a well-lit public place. If they are afraid to meet in a place like that they could be scammers, married, or have other issues that you want no part of.

If you follow these tips, you’re going to be more likely to meet quality people and avoid being scammed. It’s very important to realize that both men and women get scammed, but women are more vulnerable to certain situations than others such as date rape.

Photo by mrsdkrebs


Online Dating Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. If you’re already in the online dating scene, check out these common mistakes and make a change if necessary. If you’re not doing it yet but want to, use this advice to get started on the right foot.

Not Being Honest – You might think if you’re honest about your situation that you will turn off prospects. But they’ll find out anyway, so you may as well weed out potential failures right off the bat by always being honest.

Not Knowing What You Want – It’s hard to date if you’re not sure what you want. But try to learn about what you want as you experience dating. If you date someone and they behave in a way that turns you off, note that and add it to your profile so that you don’t do it again.

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Remember that what you want is a big question. It might be to meet friends. It might be to hook up. It might be to find a life partner. It’s up to you, and there is no right or wrong answer.

Not Asking the Right Questions – When you date people, you need to ask them questions about themselves. You know your own deal breakers, so you want to design questions for the person that bring to light any of the deal breakers you have identified in yourself. For example, if you’re a young woman who doesn’t want to date someone who has a kid, ask them if they’ve been married and have kids before you go on another date or before you even go on the first date.

Not Listening to Your Inner Voice – Everyone has a little inner voice that tells them things and gives them feedback about other people. Most of us ignore it. But when you go on a date, look for red flags and listen to your inner voice. Even if it seems illogical, that voice knows more than you think. If you have social anxiety, you may need to double date with some friends to offer help and support.

Posting Your Best Photo – We've mentioned this already. You might think you should post your very best photo to put yourself in the best light. But the truth is, that’s not how you really look and you know it. Post pictures that show how you really look on a normal day. If someone doesn’t like you how you really look, then they’re not worth wasting your time on.

Not Reading Profiles – It’s shocking how many people only look at photos to choose a date. Don’t be that person. Read the profiles to find out if you will like them. If they have deal breakers in their profile, say no and move on. Don’t allow hair color or height to be a deal breaker, though. It’s okay to have preferences, but you’re missing out if you let superficial items be deal breakers.

Not Joining Paid Dating Sites – Paid dating sites are a lot better than free ones. You might not want to pay, but the paying part weeds out a lot of people. It doesn’t weed out all scammers, but if something does go wrong it’s often easier to track down the person who has joined a membership than someone you found on Tinder or Grinder.

Not Meeting in Person Sooner – Don’t waste time talking to someone for months on end via chat, text, and Skype. Instead, chat a while and if they seem like a connection, move it to voice, then ask for a date. The sooner you meet in person, the better, because that is what’s going to determine the long-term chances of the relationship.

The main thing is to be careful, just like you would if you were meeting any stranger for any reason. Take it slowly and get to know the person. But don’t take it so slowly that you don’t meet in person for months. You really want to move from online to offline within a week or two to ensure that they are real people who really want what they say they want in their profiles.


Saturday, August 29, 2020

20 Dating Is the New Dating Site for Extreme Age Gaps

Typically, my stance on the “niche” online dating platforms that continue to pop up relentlessly in this, the year 2020, has been a skeptical one. However, the recent launch of 20 Dating, a new dating site designed specifically for people seeking a significant age gap in their relationships, has me — a woman who has kind of made dating older men her entire personality — questioning that stance.

The site — which comes to you from the creator of fellow splashy, niche dating platforms Dinky One (for men with small penises and those who love them) and Big One (for men with big penises and those who love them) — is dedicated explicitly to those seeking an age difference of 20 or more years between themselves and a prospective partner. This is a choice I respect, because I, personally, am tired of listening to women pull the “daddy” card only to find out they only date men a mere ten years or so their senior.

That said, I can’t help but question just how necessary such a niche site really is. After all, almost every mainstream dating app I’m aware of (and I like to think I’m pretty well-versed in that area) already has an age range filter. This means that, presumably, you are only seeing any prospective matches that are shown to you on any given app because you have both already told that app that you are within each other’s desired age ranges.

However, according to David Minns, the creative mind behind 20 Dating, it’s not that simple.

“Trying to connect with someone more than 20 years older/younger on a product like Tinder or Bumble is at best going to end up with a lot of rejection,” Minns told Metro UK.

“Finding an 18 or 20 year old interested in a 40 year old on a ‘standard’ dating site could be a real challenge, the 20 Dating’s FAQ reiterates. “At 20 you know…

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Photo by wyatt fisher 321


How to Find a New Relationship

Sick of Being Single?

Make Your Relationship Goals Happen

Setting goals does not just apply to your career, your finances, or your fitness. Goals apply to every aspect of your life and that includes your relationship. If you are single and you’re sick of being that way, then you need to come up with a plan to change that and you need to approach it with the very same determination as you would any other type of goal.

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What’s Holding You Back?

The first thing to do when trying to change the way you’re approaching your love life, is to look at what is holding you back.
For many people, it’s actually a lack of trying. Either they’ve been hurt before, they’ve lost confidence, or they just don’t realize they have to. But at the end of the day, if you’re tired of being single, then you need to work at this just as you would anything else. That might mean trying online dating, it might mean going to bars more, or it might mean just asking people out in the street.

While some people aren’t trying at all though, many other people are simply trying the wrong strategy or focussing on the wrong thing. These are the people who know they don’t want to be single any more but who aren’t quite sure how to change that. For example, if you want to have a more active sex life then you shouldn’t be dating your friends as that is more likely to lead to a long-term relationship. If you want a long-term relationship, then looking at bars or on Tinder is likewise misguided.

Actually, pining after friends is generally a bad idea and it’s something that can really waste your time unless you have a drastic plan to change the way they see you. And then there are people who simply fail to correctly assess their own desirability to certain groups.
Then there’s the chance that you’re doing everything right but just not getting results, in which case you need to focus on your approach. That might mean the way you present yourself, or the way you come across in conversation. Many of us will unintentionally come across as sleazy, as needy, as clingy, or as desperate – none of these things are going to help your chances!

How to Make the Change

Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to start making the change. The first thing to do is to make the commitment to be proactive. That means regularly approaching people, or signing up to online dating and putting in effort (just creating a profile is not enough) or to improving your approach and your swagger.Then you need to come up with a plan and think about how to make best use of your resources.

For instance, Facebook can be a surprisingly effective way to meet people and also to reconnect with old people. Perhaps there is an old flame you could start messaging? Or maybe you could add someone that you met at a party?If you’re shy of approaching the opposite sex, then maybe you should think of a way to work up to it and to build your confidence.Sometimes it means not taking the most obvious route but the most important thing is that you identify the weak points in your game and your strategy and then work to fix those.


An Economist’s Wholehearted Defense Of Online Dating Sites

kiss photoUsers of Meetic, Tinder and other dating apps now number in the hundreds of millions. Many are frightened by it, worried about rampant abuse and scams, while others see it as another example of the evils and excesses of modern society. And yet, these dating sites have a great social utility.

Online dating provides a new way to build a short-lived or lasting relationship. It has been added to the traditional opportunities to find a partner in one's network, namely our professional environments, family circles, group of friends, bars, concerts, etc. In fact, these in-person meetings are even losing their importance. In the United States, one in three recent marriages began with an online encounter, and this proportion increases every year.

Should we think of this shift as a substitution without great consequences for society, something akin to buying books on the internet rather than in bookstores? No, but not for the reasons you may imagine. Compared to marriages that originated with a traditional first-encounter, those that began with an online connection last longer, end in fewer divorces and more often bring together couples of different religions or ethnicities.

Online platforms make it possible to break out of an often homogenous environment and considerably expand the number of potential partners. As a result, the chances of meeting a partner closer to your preferences are multiplied. This is obvious for people whose inclinations are less shared — and therefore less common in their close circle. In the United States, 70% of homosexuals meet their partners online. There are also specialized sites…

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Friday, August 28, 2020

Why the COVID-19 Pandemic Might Actually Be Helping Your Dating Life

It Only Took a Major Health Crisis for People to Focus on Lasting Relationships

In an effort to stay busy amidst a global pandemic, many of us have resorted to something that’s always within arms reach: our cell phones. And in between celebrity stalking, Twitter scrolling, and eye-straining FaceTimes, the act of swiping on dating apps has filled the void left by this ongoing period of social distancing.

Many of these platforms have kept up with the times, updating their systems to support video chatting while encouraging new and safe ways to find your match without jeopardizing your health in the process. While the last few months have left many skeptical that they’ll ever find “the one” amidst a major health crisis, in actuality, COVID-19 has ultimately helped to pump the brakes on the act of serial dating.

While hookups are still possible, those who are used to moving from partner to partner can now take the time to slow their roll and reconsider their approach in this new, unprecedented state of the world we’re in. As for those who are regulars in the dating game, they can use this situation as an opportunity to weed out the good ones from the anti-maskers. Now is as good a time as any to put building a connection (albeit, virtually) at the forefront, especially as one-time in-person flings take a brief chill on the back burner.

So how does one really take advantage of dating in the age of coronavirus? Well, we’ll let the experts take it from here.

Curbing Casual Sex

There’s nothing wrong with a steamy fling, but right now, people aren’t super interested in risking their health for something that doesn’t allow for much connection. Instead of prioritizing pleasure, those still interested in dating are shifting their focus from…

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4 Tips for Successful Dating After Divorce

Most people who get married don’t even imagine what they are going to do if their marriage breaks down, but sometimes, two people simply aren’t right for each other anymore. Divorce is often inevitable if you and your partner had irreconcilable differences, they were unfaithful to you, or you were generally unhappy in the marriage. And, while it can take some time to adjust to being single again after your divorce is finalized, getting back into the dating pool can be both exciting and daunting at the same time. Here are some tips to keep in mind if you are planning to start dating again after a marriage breakdown.

Heal Yourself First

It’s important to make sure that you are truly ready before you begin to date again after a divorce. Even if you were unhappy in your marriage, you will need time to grieve the loss and come to terms with your new life before you can truly move on and find happiness with somebody else. If you are struggling with this, a good therapist can help you navigate the feelings and emotions that you have right now, and help you on your journey to self-love and self-acceptance.

Know What You Want

Being picky is definitely not a bad thing when it comes to dating. After all, many people have found themselves in sticky situations by being too easygoing when it comes to what they want in a partner, and have ended up falling for the first person to show them any attention. But, the first person who likes you might not be the right person for you. Reflect on your past relationships to consider what you do and don’t want in your future ones; this will help you make better choices when it comes to who you date.

Try Online Dating

We all have busy lives and getting out there to meet new people has never been more difficult. If you want to start dating again but are struggling to meet anybody new, online dating…

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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Older Americans say looks become less important in dating as we age

Older Americans are ready for love — and three in 10 searching for romance would consider going on a dating show for seniors, according to new research.

The study of 1,000 Americans over the age of 50 found one in four have gone on a date with a new potential partner and one in five feel like they’re in their sexual prime now.

When it comes to the best methods to meet someone, half said through friends and 43 percent have searched online.


Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Because Market, a personal care marketplace especially for seniors, the survey revealed two in five confessed to being more nervous for their first date when they were older than as a young person.

Results also found the key aspects of attraction have changed for respondents over time.

Three in four said physical attraction was important to them as a young person looking for a partner, but now kindness ranked the highest with 79 percent.

Politeness rose in importance as people grew older, as did personality.

Seven in 10 respondents in a relationship or married said they’re happier than they’ve ever been in their current relationship.

There are also some matters that older Americans have to consider on the dating scene today: 32 percent think dating is different now because personal care products can be a sensitive topic.

Thirty-nine percent of all respondents felt there are some aspects of aging that are too embarrassing to talk about — and over a quarter said there are certain things about aging they withhold from their children.

Without anyone to talk to, 27 percent said they struggle to find personal care products for their age group, needs and lifestyle.

Two in five (42 percent) have suffered from bladder leakage or incontinence and of those, 48 percent don’t feel they can talk about their experiences with anyone.

Thirty-eight percent are…

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Photo by mislav-m


Rules are different for dating during a pandemic

A University of Miami expert explains the new conventions of courting in an environment where social distancing is mandatory.

In a world where a pandemic has imposed limitations on social interactions, people eager to find love are turning to different ways to meet partners. Although online dating is nothing new, COVID-19 has helped online dating platforms grow exponentially.

According to Brian Doss, associate professor of psychology at the University of Miami and an expert on couples’ therapy and romantic relationships, the uptick in online dating has changed the dynamics of how a relationship now flourishes.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has really sped up the online trend. Because it is difficult to meet in person, I think there’s going to be increased likelihood that people are spending more time in the early stages of dating through virtual dating platforms,” he explained.

Although circumstances may seem difficult for those looking for love, according to Doss, there are many benefits to starting a relationship online.

“In my opinion, you’re more likely to meet someone in an online environment because a person is able to develop more meaningful conversations. Whereas, if you’re meeting in person, physical attraction dominates, and in many cases, alcohol can influence your perception,” he said.

For those who turn to this way of dating, he explained that there are a new set of rules in the COVID-19 era.

“I think the most important thing is that people are on the same page. A conversation about health and safety, both for themselves and their family members, is being talked about early on. Discussions about the risks and responsibilities of wearing a mask are being negotiated before in-person meetings,”…
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